20-The Ex.

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I was woken up by a certain voice.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." Michael said as he kissed me good morning to wake me up.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw Michael standing by my bed holding a tray of pancakes and a tall glass of milk. My favorite breakfast plate. I rubbed my eye and yawned.

"I made you breakfast sweetie. I know pancakes are your favorite." He said and then kissed my cheek.

"Awe, you're so sweet!" I said as I sat up and took a sip of the milk before digging into the pancakes. I was starving when I woke up this morning. Michael just watched me and laughed. I was probably acting as tho I hadn't eaten in days. After I finished I started to get up.

"Oh no Princess. Let me take that." Michael said smiling as he took the dirty dishes to the kitchen and washed them and then came back to the room when he finished.

"So what do you want to do today, Princess?" Michael asked.

"Well I was thinking we could have dinner with my parents tonight?" I said in the form of a question.

I had very strong feelings for Michael and felt it was time for my parents to meet him. Whenever I talked about him to them they were always very curious and asked lots of questions about him.

"Awe, Princess. I was starting to wonder when I was going to get to meet them!" Michael said very enthusiastically.

I called my mom and discussed the dinner plans with her.

"I just talked to my mom. We're gonna go over to their house at 7(19:00)." I said.

"Perfect Princess. I can't wait to meet them." He said doing a cheeky smile.

Usually guys were really nervous to meet my parents, but Michael was different. He was so excited to meet them. He was actually looking forward to it and it made me so happy. It was really important to me that my parents liked him. I was kind of nervous honestly. My parents didn't take to guys with piercings and tattoos and oddly colored hair too well. With all of the questions they had asked about him in the past, I had never once described what Michael looked like or showed them a picture. I'm not sure why. I'm not ashamed Michael is the way he is. He's perfect the way he is. I don't know, I'm probably just overthinking all of this.

Michael could tell I was very nervous, and he wrapped his arms around me, putting me in a tight embrace to comfort me. He always knew exactly what to do. Just another little thing I loved about this boy. I just placed my head on his chest and smiled.

"I love the way you hide your face in my chest and I can feel you smile." Michael said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, it gives me whatever you would call the manly version of butterflies." Michael said. We both couldn't stop laughing.

"What time is it?" I asked. I hadn't even checked the time once since I woke up.

Michael giggled. "Sweetie it's 2:37 (14:37) in the afternoon."

"What!? Why did you let me sleep so late?"

"Well when I got up at 8 I just thought you looked too cute to wake up. I came back in at 9 and thought ah she'll wake up soon. At 12 you were still asleep and I thought up the idea of bringing you breakfast in bed so I started to cook and finally woke you up at around 1. It took me a little while to find all the stuff in the kitchen to make you breakfast." Michael said giggling at the end.

"You're such a sweetie." I said smiling.

"Anything to keep my Princess happy." he said with a cheeky smile.

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