8-The Frick Frack

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As we kissed I could feel him smiling just as much as I was. The longer we kissed the more passionate he got and I could feel his hands roaming over just about every inch of my body as I ran my fingers through his hair. I felt my shirt slowly lift up. He stopped about halfway up, as though he wasn't sure.

"It's fine." I whispered against his lips.

We pulled our lips apart long enough for him to finish taking my shirt off. My hands started to wonder the same way his were. I reach for his shirt, slowly undoing each button and taking his shirt off of him while still kissing him. His hands roamed down my body to my pants. He paused and tugged on me belt a few times.

I smiled and said "Mhmm." while still kissing him.

He undid my belt and my pants and slid them down my legs with my underwear and I did the same to him as he took off my bra. As we kissed he back me onto the bed causing me to fall. He giggled for a second and then got on top and continued kissing me. He slowly slid in, I moaned as he did. He slowly slid in and out making sure to be very gentle. As we went he began to accelerate. It felt so great and the way he constantly kept asking if I was okay and if he was being too rough was cute. He did one rough thrust which cause me to moan his name very loudly, he quickly kissed me to shut me up so no one else would hear. While kissing I caught him moaning a few times, which made me feel relaxed because I knew he was enjoying it as much as I was, which I was worried that he wasn't. Once we both reached our climax he laid in the bed next to me and we cuddled like we had never before.

*Michael's POV*

That was amazing. I can't believe how great it was. It was my first time which I'm kind of embarrassed to tell her. But it was just so great. I really hope I didn't do anything wrong, She really seemed to enjoy it though. Everything seems so different now. I feel so much closer to her now. Even cuddling with her right now feels so different. I really think I love here even though I've only known here about a week. But everything with her is just so different than with other girls. I just feel like there's more to us. I don't know how to describe it. She makes me feel complete.

"Why are you smiling so big?" She asked.

"Oh um...it's nothing..." I said trailing off.

"No, c'mon tell me." She said tickling me.

"Alright, well I was just thinking about how perfect we are together. You make me feel like no other girl ever has. You make me feel complete." I said smiling.

*Shawna's POV*

Oh my gosh, he says we're perfect together. He said I make him feel complete.

"Hey, I have something to tell you..." Michael said kind of sad.

"What's up?" I asked concerned.

"Well I haven't been completely honest with you." Michael said.

"What do you mean? About what?" I asked imagining the worst in my head.

"Well it's not that I have lied or anything, it's more like something I just haven't told you." he said biting down on his bottom lip.

"Just tell me Michael." I said in a caring tone.

"Well.. erm.. That was my first time..."He said in a sad tone, trailing off.

"Oh Michael, you had me scared. Well how was your first time?" I asked teasingly.

"Well I guess it was pretty good seeing as I only have a hand to compare it to." he said, us both laughing.

"By the way I love that you told me, I know that took a lot of guts." I told him.

"Well why should I try to hide it? especially from the girl I think I'm falling in love with." he said doing a cheeky grin.

"Did you say falling in love with?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, sorry if you weren't ready for that, but it's truly how I feel." he said looking down.

"No, I thought it was just me thinking that." I said kissing his cheek.

Then we heard a knock at the door.

Michael and I looked at each other kind of shocked due to the fact that we were still naked.

I jumped up putting my shorts back on with Michael's sweatshirt off of the table. As Michael put on some sweat pants I kicked the rest of our clothes under the bed and turned a movie on. Then we both walked to the door.

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