46-The Night Begins

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Just then the door swung open and Shawna walked in followed by Kendra and another girl. I think her name was Cindy.
"Hey baby." Cindy said hugging Ashton as he stood up and then quickly pushing him out of the way.
"Oh my gosh! Luke! You're awake!" she screamed holding me tight, being careful not to hurt me.
"Hey!" I said laughing at how excited she was to see me.
"When did you wake up?"
"About 2 hours ago." I said.
"It's so great having you back. We all missed you so much Lukey!" Shawna said smiling.

It was so great having Luke back. I missed him so much, nothing was the same without Luke. It was just so difficult. It was like I lost my brother.
"Shawna why are you crying?" Luke asked.
"It's just so great having you back Luke. It just wasn't right without you. It felt like-- like I lost my brother Luke."
He hopped over to me on his good foot and wrapped both of his arms around me, I carefully wrapped my arms around his torso so I didn't hurt him and he whispered into my ear.
"I'm so sorry Shawna. You're like the little sister I never had." The much taller boy bent down and nuzzled his chin into the crook of my neck. "I love you as if you really were my sister and don't ever wanna cause you any pain."
"Thanks Luke." I said as he pulled away and hopped back to the couch.
"You're not tired from all the hopping?" Ashton laughed.
"Shut up. The crutches are painful."
"Well we're gonna go put our things away." I said walking with Kendra and Cindy, all of our hands full with shopping bags. I was putting my new clothes away when Michael snuck in with out me knowing. He snuck up and gently kissed the back of my neck as I giggled.
"Baby!" I turned around to face him and kissed his soft pink lips.
"Baby, Luke is planning a night out tomorrow but I was thinking we could do a night in? Just me and you? I'll cook you dinner?" he said placing more soft kisses on my neck. It was cute how he always tried to bribe me by saying he'd cook for me because I suck at it.
"Sound like a wonderful night to me. I love you baby." I said kissing his lips again.
"Good." Michael said smiling and left the room. I put the rest of my clothes away smiling, it always made me happy when Michael would plan little nights where we could just be alone. I went back in the living room and everyone was sitting cuddled up watching a movie. And of course Luke had my cat. I giggled at them as I walked over and sat cuddled up with Michael. About halfway through the movie I fell asleep on Michael's chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat, as usual.
I woke up the next day to everyone gathered around me watching tv.
"Well it's about time, sleepy head!" Luke shouted. I stretched my arms out and grabbed my phone off the table looking at the time.
"3:45!?(15:45!?) WHY DID YOU LET ME SLEEP SO LATE!?" I screamed.
"Sorry baby, you just looked so cute sleeping." Michael said smiling. I jumped up and walked to my room to get dressed. I came back and sat on the couch between Ashton and cripple- oh I mean Luke.
"So what's everyone doing tonight?" I asked remembering Michael told me that Luke was planning something.
"We're going to the movies. We're just waiting on Calum and Kendra to get ready." Luke said.
"OH MY GOD GUYS! C'MON ALREADY! YOU BOTH LOOK FINE!" Ashton yelled. They walked out about 20 minutes later.
"About time!" Cindy shouted as Calum and Kendra turned red.
"You guys ready?" Ashton said.
Everyone said yes and bye as they walked out the door.
"Have I told you how beautiful you are lately?" Michael said smiling and looking me in the eyes. His green eyes shined as the sunlight hit them through the window.
"Only everyday baby." I said as he twirled me around. "Michael what has gotten into you?" I said giggling. He never does these things.
"I'm just happy baby." He said kissing me slowly on the lips. I loved when he kisses me slowly like this. The kiss was just filled with so much passion. He cupped my face to deepen the kiss. After a bit he had to stop because I was smiling too big.
"Michael, you make me so happy!"
"Good baby!" he said.

I was just so happy. Today was the day I was going to ask the most amazing girl I've met in my life to marry me. I wasn't nervous one bit. I asked her dad about it a few days after Luke's accident and he was thrilled. Her dad really seemed to like me and I was so happy.
"Baby I'm gonna go start dinner." I said kissing her and walking to the kitchen.

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