50-Mistletoes Win Bets.

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I can't believe Shawna made Amy come in here. She knows I like Amy and always act like an idiot around her.
Amy and I stayed silent as we walked to the tree, we could hear the others whispering in the kitchen. Shawna was probably planning someway to get us together and telling everyone else about it.
"So can you reach it?" Amy said breaking my thought. I shook my head snapping back to reality.
"Hu- What?" I said not paying attention to what she had said.
"Can you reach it?" She repeated.
I took the star in my hand and stood at the tree on the tip of my toes trying to reach the top. My arms were just a few inches too short. I sighed and turned back towards Amy.
"Get on my shoulders." I said kneeling down.
"What?" She said confused.
"Get on my shoulders. My arms are just a little short of the top." I said as she slowly walked to me. I could tell she was nervous. She climbed onto my shoulders and I held her thighs tight as I stood back up. She put the star on the top of the tree and held onto my shoulders tight as I kneeled down so she could get down. She climbed off my shoulders and left to walk back to the kitchen. She tripped over a cord in the door way and I ran and quickly caught her before she hit the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked while holding her and looking deep into her eyes. A smile slowly spread across her face as she stared back into my eyes.
"Hey Luke?"
"Yes Amy?"
She hesitated.
"What is it?"
"Luke, um we're under the mistletoe." She said pointing above our heads. I smiled.
"Oh I guess we are. You know what that means." I joked as we stared into each other's eyes a bit longer. Our faces inched closer and closer until our lips met. I could feel both of us smiling through the kiss. We were interrupted by the clearing of a throat. We quickly pulled away and saw Calum.
"Having fun?" He asked.
Amy turned red as I felt my cheeks heat up as well. Calum walked to the couch and grabbed his phone from where he had left it when we were bringing presents in.
"HEY SHAWNA YOU WERE RIGHT! I OWE YOU $50!" Calum shouted.
"$50? For what?" I asked confused.
"Shawna was totally convinced that you two liked each other and that you would kiss her sometime before Christmas but I bet her $50 that you would never make a move on Amy." Calum said leaving the room. Amy and I remained alone in the room, in silence.
"Soooo..." Amy said trying to break the silence.
"So what does this mean for us?" I asked.
"Um well how do you feel?" Amy asked.
"Well I've always thought you cute. Ever since Shawna introduced us over FaceTime. And you're a really great girl, who is funny and has a great personality. Oh and you eat almost as much as me." I said laughing at the end. Amy couldn't stop smiling. She hugged me tight, tighter than she ever did before.
"So does that mean you feel the same?" I asked as she nodded her head. I pulled away just enough to look her in the face.
"Amy, would you be my girlfriend?" I said smiling as she squealed nodding her head.
"What's all the squealing about?" Shawna asked as her and Michael walked back into the room.
"Well I just asked Amy to be my girlfriend." I said smiling.
"And she said yes?" Michael asked.
"Of course she did!" Shawna said in a cocky voice and I laughed.
"Yes Michael." I said.
"I knew it. ASHTON YOU OWE ME $50!" Shawna shouted.
"Another bet?" Amy asked.
"Calum tell you?" Shawna asked. Amy and I nodded our heads.
"It's actually one bet. I said I bet you guys would kiss and be together before Christmas." Shawna said.
"Calum bet Luke wouldn't make a move on Amy. And Ashton bet you guys would get together sometime next year." Michael explained.
"So Michael what was your bet?" Amy asked curiously.
"I obviously agreed with this beautiful girl of course!" Michael shouted kissing Shawna.

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