3-End of the Night

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We all turned our heads towards the door and saw 5 figures walk in. It was the guys from One Direction.

"Hey." They all simultaneously said and then looked at me confused as Michael explained the whole story to them and they kindly greeted me.

"Hey and Happy birthday, Liam!" I said back.

Liam flashed a cheesy, blushing smile and said, "thanks" giggling.

"No problem." I said.

I stayed and talked to them for about another 30 minutes.

"Well it's getting pretty late, I should probably go and find my car." And I got up and started walking to the door.

"Wait!" Michael shouted.

I stopped and turned around, "Yes?"

"Can I walk you?" Michael said flashing a nervous grin.

"Of course" I replied back.

We left the room as the other 8 guys were going "Ooooooh!" and I kind of giggled.

"So are you sure you're alright?" Michael asked concerned.

"Yea, my head feels fine. I have 3 brothers, so this isn't the first time I've had someone tackle me to the ground." I said laughing.

He let out a nervous chuckle. "Well I'm still very sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." He said while grabbing my hand.

"Well I'm kind of glad you didn't." I said flashing a sneaky smile.

"Huh? Why is that?" he asked confused.

"Well if you had been watching where you were going, you most likely would have dodged me which means you wouldn't have brought me back to your dressing room and I wouldn't have had the amazing opportunity to meet my idols." I said looking down and kind of frowning.

"Wow, actually I am pretty glad I ran into you. If I hadn't I would have missed out on meeting such a beautiful girl. Michael said.

"What?" I asked.

"I said you're beautiful." he replied.

I looked down trying to hide my big, idiotic, and blushing smile.

"Hey, don't hide your face. It's not fair to cover your beauty" Michael said making me blush even more.

"Well this is my car." I said.

He opened my door.

"Well how long are you going to be in town?" he asked.

"I think we're going to the mall in the morning and then leaving in the afternoon." I said.

"Oh, so busy day tomorrow?" He asked sounding sad.

"Not really." I said back.

"So do you think you'll have some time to spare to I don't know, maybe go get a coffee?" Michael asked nervously stuttering quite a bit.

I giggled. "You're cute when you're nervous and I would love to, just text me or something." I said flashing a cheesy smile.

"Alright. Well you better get going." He said hugging me and before I was about to pull away from the hug I felt his soft lips land upon me and I kissed him back smiling through the kiss. Michael slowly pulled away, us both smiling like idiots.

"Wow, I've wanted to do that for so long." I whispered unaware I said it out loud.

Michael giggled and I blushed realizing what I did and he kissed me again when we pulled apart he said, "And just so you know, you should feel special. You're the first fan I've thought was beautiful enough to get this." his statement just made me blush even more.

"Thanks" I said blushing some more, at this point probably looking like a tomato. Just then my phone flashed the time 2:30.

"Oh goodness, you should really get going." said Michael in a caring voice. I got in my car and Michael closed the door and I rolled down the window

"Would you at least like a ride back to stadium? That's a rather long walk."

Michael smiled and joined me in the car, I plugged my phone into the radio and kiss me kiss me came on.

"I like your taste in music." Michael said grinning and started singing along.

We got to the entrance of the stadium and Michael kissed me once more and quoted the song, "So kiss me kiss me kiss me and tell me I'll see you again?"

I giggled, "I sure do hope so."

Michael got out and closed the door and I waited until he made it inside until I drove away.

*My Thoughts*

Wow! Tonight has so amazing. I not only got to see my two favorite bands but I got to MEET them! I made Ashton cry. It might have been happy tears but I still feel bad for making him cry. I was twinning with Luke. I got to wish Liam a happy birthday. And Michael Clifford held my hand, called me beautiful, and kissed me. I just can't believe it. OH MY HOOD! MICHAEL CLIFFORD KISSED ME!! It's like no matter how many times I replay it in my head I still just can't believe it. All the guys are so much cooler and more amazign than I ever imagined them, which I still don't know how that's possible, especially with Michael. Oh gosh, I'm still smiling like a total idiot from that kiss. And I can't believe he asked me out. I can't wait until I can go with him. Even if it's just for coffee. At about that time I reached the hotel.

*Michael's POV*

As I walked back to the dressing room there was just one thing running through my mind: I am so glad I ran into that girl. I got back to the dressing room and all the guys were still hanging out and joking around.

"Oh, hey look who's back!" Niall shouted while doing a sneaky grin.

"Hey." I said to all the guys.

"So, how did it go?" Luke asked sincerely and curiously..

"It was so great!" I replied back.

"Ya wanna elaborate on that, mate?" Ashton asked.

"Wow, it was just so amazing! I never thought I would feel this way about a fan. I never thought a girl would make me feel this way. I just can't stop thinking about her. She's so beautiful and sweet. And the things she said to you Ashton, they made me want to cry too. It was just so beautiful and sweet. And while I walked her to her car she just made it harder to tell her goodbye. She's so cute when she blushes. And I asked her out for coffee tomorrow. And before she got in her car I kissed her."

"OOOOH!" all the boys said.

"Yea, it was amazing! And after the kiss she said she had wanted to do t for so long not realize she had actually said it. And I kissed her again. Then she offered to drive me back here, as I got in the car kiss me kiss me came on the radio and ended right as we got back here so before I got out of the car I kissed her one more time and sang to here kiss me, kiss me, kiss me and tell me that I'll see you again and she said she sure does hope so. I just can't stop thinking about her."

"Well then text her!" Zayn urged me.

*My POV*

So nice to be back at the hotel. Right as I layed down in the amazing bed my phone buzzed. I glanced down at an out of country number. I assumed it was Michael so I sent back "Michael?" a few minutes later my phone buzzed again and I was right it was Michael. And he told me how he couldn't wait for tomorrow. We spent the whole night texting until I fell asleep.

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