49-Christmas Decorations

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*2 weeks later*
The guys were out doing some Christmas shopping while Kendra, Cindy, and Amy helped me put up some decorations.
"So what are you getting Michael for Christmas?" Amy asked.
"I was thinking about a new guitar. He's been talking about how he's wanted another acoustic for like a month now! We kind of broke the last one." I said.
"How did you break it?" Cindy asked.
"Well uh, one night he was playing and singing to me and we got kind of carried away with a kiss and we uh"
"You fucked didn't you?" Kendra said as blunt as possible.
"Yeah. Michael kind of rolled off of me onto it and it wasn't repairable." I said as they laughed.
"So Shrimp, you and Calum have been dating almost 3 months now?" Cindy asked.
A big smile spread across Kendra's face.
"What are you getting him?" I asked.
"I really don't know yet. Cindy what are you getting Ashton?"
"He's had his eye on this drum set for a while now and I thought about getting it for him."
"Oh that sounds cool." I said.
"What about you Amy? We all know you have a big crush on Luke!" Kendra said smirking as Amy turned bright red.
"Y-you do?"
"Amy you know you're not the best at hiding those things." I said laughing.
A moment of silence passed.
"But I think Luke likes you too." I said breaking the silence.
"REALLY?" Amy said as her face lit up.
"Yeah. I probably know Luke the best out of all the guys well except for Michael." I giggled. "And I can just tell. Luke isn't too good at hiding it either. His face lights up when he sees you and when we all hang out he always tries to be right next to you and whenever you need help Luke is always first to volunteer."
"Oh yeah, I've never noticed that but he does!" Cindy shouted an Kendra agreed.
"He just needs to nut up and ask you out already!" I said as I placed the last ornament on the Christmas tree as the girls laughed.
"Wait who's gonna put the star on the top of the tree?" Kendra asked.
"I think Luke is the only one tall enough. Maybe he could help Amy with it later." I said smirking as the front door opened.
"Guys wait! The girls are in here!" Ashton shouted walking backwards out the door as we laughed.
"Aww do you guys have our presents?" Kendra said still giggling.
"Presents for you? What? No!" Ashton said laughing.
"Girls hurry into another room! It's fucking colder than ballsacks out here!" Michael shouted as we giggled.
"C'mon girls." I said walking to the kitchen.
"It's all clear!" Ashton shouted once we were in the kitchen.
"Woah! It's like 17 degrees!(-8 degrees Celsius) THE GUYS MUST BE FREEZING!" I shouted.
"We better get some cuddles when we're done with presents!" Calum shouted back obviously overhearing me as we giggled.
"Hey we should make them some hot coffee." Amy said smiling.
"Ooh that's a good idea." Cindy agreed walking over to the cabinet to get a coffee filter and then putting it in the coffee pot. I looked in the cabinet and got out a pack off hot chocolate.
"What are you doing?" Kendra asked confused.
"Michael isn't a big fan of coffee." I explained fixing the hot chocolate.
The girls each fixed the guys coffee just how they liked it. 1 cream and 2 sugars for Calum. 2 creams and 1 sugar for Ashton. And 2 creams and 4 sugars for Luke, he always has such a sweet tooth. And just a little whipped cream for Michael. The guys walked into the kitchen just as we finished making their hot beverages. Their coats were covered in snow.
"Woah! It snowed?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah?" The guys all said confused.
"That's weird. It doesn't usually snow here." Amy and I said simultaneously as we each handed the guys their drinks and they smiled.
"The living room looks great!" Calum said smiling.
"Thanks but the tree is still missing the star on the top." I said.
"Couldn't reach the top?" Ashton giggled.
"Hey it's really high okay?" I said really defensively. "I think Luke is the only one who could reach it." I smirked as Luke began to walk to the living room. "Amy you're the tallest of us girls why don't you help Luke?" Luke stopped and turned around giving me a stern look as everyone else stared at Amy. I just smiled at Luke as Amy walked towards him. They soon disappeared into the living room.
"What was that about?" Calum asked quietly so they wouldn't hear.
"I know they like each other." I said smirking. "And Luke has played love master with us plenty of times." I said hugging Michael. "Figured I could play a little love master myself."

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