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We all walked back into the kitchen as Cindy and Kendra OOOH'd.
"It's about fucking time!" Calum shouted.
"Even if it did cost us $50!" Ashton added as I blushed and they each pulled $50 out giving it to Shawna.

Calum and I have been dating for 2 months and I had been waiting for this night the whole time. I was currently in Shawna's room as her, Amy, and Cindy helped me get ready. Calum was taking me out on our first date. Pengy picked out a dress out of her closet that she said Calum would drool over me in. Slicey was doing my makeup as Amy curled my hair. They were primping me for what seemed like 5 hours and they finally let me look in the mirror. I then proceeded to walk into the living room where all the boys were watching tv. When Calum saw me he stood with his jaw dropped and stared at me. Michael stood up next to Calum and pushed Calum's jaw up, closing his mouth as I blushed. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, spinning me around as he scanned my whole body.
"Baby you look amazing!" Calum said softly pressing his lips against mine. He pulled away shortly after.
"Let's go baby." I heard his deep voice say and we walked out to the car. He was bringing me to casa ole. We each ordered.
"All right sweetie. I'll have that right out for you." The waiter said winking at me which made me feel uncomfortable and blush. I looked down as he walked away. Calum scooted closer to me in the booth, pinning me in the corner and began to leave soft kisses down my neck as the waiter brought us some chips and salsa, winking at me again before he left. I think it made Calum jealous, his lips moved to mine, kissing me roughly as his hands traveled all over my body. I kind of liked this side of Calum, it was so demanding. I felt the zipper of the dress start to get looser followed by the clearing of a throat. The waiter was placing our plates in front of us. I could feel my cheeks heated as I fixed the dress back and picked up my fork. We ate in silence. Calum paid the tab and then we walked to the car. On the way there, the waiter tried once again to flirt grasping my hand and attempting to whisper into my ear. I pulled away and Calum wrapped his arm around my waist tight. As soon as we were in the car Calum's lips crashed upon mine once again, very hard this time and his hand rested on my upper thigh, slowly inching up under the dress. I guess this is just what jealousy does to him. I didn't mind. I snaked my arms around his neck as he messed with the strap on my underwear under my dress. He could probably feel me smiling in the kiss. I was really wondering if this would ever happen. His hand began to slide the strap of my underwear down as the other unzipped my dress. He pulled his lips away from mine as if in hesitation.
"Don't stop!" I shouted and then immediately covered my mouth only meaning to think it. He climbed in the back seat.
"Come join me back here." he helped me into the much roomier back seat and continued to unzip the dress practically ripping it off my body. He kissed down my body leaving quite a few purple marks. I reached for his shirt, taking the hem in my hand and he slapped my hand away.
"No babe. Beg for it." He said while unbuckling his pants then placing a finger on my clit rubbing little circles on it, driving me even more crazy. I began to moan.
"Calum. Please. Just. Fuck. Me. Already." I was desperate for his touch. I wanted it so bad. He smirked and took his shirt and pants off as I tugged his boxers down just enough for his massive erection to pop out.
"I thought I told you no." I smirked and he whispered in my ear.
"There are gonna be some rules: you must always refer to me as daddy. You must ask me before you cum. And if you disobey or leave any marks you will be punished. Got it?"
"Yes Ca-Daddy." I said nodding my head. He continued to pull his boxers down and rummaged through his pants pocket for something. He pulled out a small silver square, a condom. He ripped it open and slid it on while hovering over me. He removed my bra while sliding in very slowly. He began to thrust slow and rough.
"Oh Calum!" I moaned out. He slapped my face.
"What did I say?" He said thrusting faster. With each thrust he got rougher and faster.
"Oh daddy! Fuck! Shit daddy! That feels so good! Fuck!" I moaned while clawing at his back being careful not to cut him with my nails, each time my pitch getting higher as I came closer to my orgasm. He could tell I was close and began to thrust harder, hitting my g spot.
"Daddy I'm gonna c-c" my voice trembled and I couldn't get the words out. I soon released onto him breathing quickly.
"What did daddy say?" He asked sternly and smacking my ass. He slapped my face again before pulling out and kissing down my body leaving more dark purple marks. He spread my legs wide and drew little figure eights on my clit with his tongue, cleaning up my mess. And moaning in satisfaction. Once he licked it all up he inserted his tongue into me moving it in and out quite fast. He spread my legs further to allow him to go deeper. I moaned loudly tugging at the ends of his hair.
"Go ahead." he mumbled as his tongue never departed. I released into his mouth and all over his face. He cleaned it up once again and crawled back up to me, breathing very heavy. He cuddled me as we both stared up at the roof of the car.
"That. Was. Amazing." I said quietly out of breath as he nodded in agreement. We laid there cuddle for about 15 minutes until Calum sat up and slid his boxers back on followed by his pants. I put my underwear back on followed by my bra. I searched the floor for my dress. Calum had managed to get it in the front floor board. He climbed over the seat and retrieved it for me I slid it over my body as Calum helped zip me in and then kissed me one more time. We both climbed back into the front seat as Calum drove us home.

A/N: You guys asked for more smut so I hope you liked this. Give me honest opinions about this because I usually don't write smut.

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