5-The Party

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"So what's first on the new couple's agenda?" Calum asked jokingly with a cheesy grin.

Michael and I kind of just looked at each other. Ashton and Luke started making kissing noises and laughing causing Michael and I to blush. Calum's phone buzzed and he pulled it out to read the text.

"Hey, my sister is having a party tonight! You guys should come!" Calum exclaimed.

"Oh, I am so there!" Ashton practically screamed.

"Me too!" Luke agreed.

After a second everyone looked at Michael and I.

"Well, Michael, Shawna, are you in?" Calum asked.

"It's up to Michael." I said happily with a cheeky smile and looked to Michael.

"Yea, it sounds fun!" he said.

"Alright so how bout we meet up say 8 and all go together?" Calum asked.

Everyone nodding in agreement. Michael and I finished our breakfast, paid, and then left while the other boys finished eating.

"So what now?" I asked smiling at Michael.

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked me.

"Um, I don't know. Surprise me!" I said smiling.

"Alright." Michael said grabbing my hand and leading me down the side walk.

We walked up to a huuuuge building!

"Where are we?" I asked Michael.

"This is the mall, silly." Michael said in a joking, teasing tone.

"Oh, it's so big!" I said.

I probably resembled a kid in a candy store judging by Michael's giggling.

"So where do you want to go first?" I asked Michael.

"Erm, how about Hot Topic?" he asked.


"Ahh. Inside voice!" Michael groaned.

"Oops. Sorry, guess Ashton is rubbing off on me." I said jokingly, causing Michael to giggle.


After a few hours of shopping and Michael buying me pretty much everything I liked no matter how many times I told him no, I looked down at my phone.

"Oh crap!" I said.

"What?" Michael asked concerned.

"It's 7! If we're all gonna meet up at 8 we should probably head back and start getting ready." I explained.

"Oh shit. Yea, you're probably right." Michael said.

We quickly walked back to the car and drove back to the hotel. He came up to my room with me and waited patiently while I tried on tons of different outfits telling me how beautiful I looked in all of them making me blush. I finally decided on one outfit. (http://www.polyvore.com/party/set?id=133669482)

As I was in the bathroom pulling all the wrinkles out Michael walked up behind, wrapping his arms around my waist, and fitting his head in the crook of my neck.

As I looked up at us in the mirror smiling he whispered in my ear, "I didn't think it was possible get any more beautiful."

I turned about as red as a tomato which he thought was cute and he kissed my neck. I turned around, throwing my arms around his neck, his hands on my hips, and our lips crashed together. I loved when he kissed me. His lips were always so soft. Our lips moved together perfectly. Michael's phone rang scaring us both and ending the perfect moment.

"Hello?" Michael said not looking at who was calling. I heard yelling and quickly recognized the voice. Calum.

"Oh shit. Sorry guys, we kind of lost track of time. Go ahead and we'll catch up." Michael said looking at me, grinning and hung up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yea, we're just kind of late. It's 8:15." He said giggling.

"Oh, I guess we better hurry then." I said grabbing my shoes.

"Wait a minute." Michael said.

"Wh--" before I could say anything his lips were crashing against mine once again.

I kissed him back smiling half way through the kiss. He slowly pulled away.

"It's cute the way you smile during our kisses." he said doing an adorable half smile.

I blushed and he grabbed my waist as he guided me to the door.

"Shall we?" he said.

"Yes." I said still blushing.

We walked down to the car and drove to Calum's sister's house.

As we turned down the road Michael handed me his phone, "Here, call Calum and let him know we're here."

I called Calum.

"Hello?" he answered, the music in the background almost so loud that I couldn't hear him.

"Hey Calum, we're here." I said.

"Awesome, I'll meet y'all outside." he said and hung up.

"What did he say?" Michael asked.

"He said he'll meet us outside." I answered.

He parked the car and we met up with Calum.

"Hey guys!" Calum shouted over the music and hugging us.

"Everybody is in the back. Follow me." he said.

We followed him to the back yard where the rest of the guys were with Calum's sister and some of her friends. Michael left for a second to get some drinks leaving me alone with the boys. I sat alone quietly for a second listening to the music. Before long Ashton came and sat beside me.

"Is something wrong? You're awfully quiet." Ashton asked concerned.

"No, I'm fine. Just observing." I answered.

"Observing?" He asked confused.

"I don't know, I'm a rather shy and quiet person and I like to observe things." I explained.

"Like what?" he asked curiously.

"Like people's behaviors." I said.

"Well what are you observing about my behavior?" He asked grinning.

"Well you're obviously a very loud and hyper person who is often very curious." I said positively.

"Ooh you're good." he said jokingly, half grinning as Michael returned.

"Well you two look like you're getting along pretty well." he said smiling.

Ashton got up to let Michael sit next to me.

"Yea, she's pretty cool. I approve." Ashton said teasingly while doing a cheesy smile.

"Good, I'm glad you like her." Michael said smiling.

We sat talking to everyone for a bit and after a while we got up and walked out to the dock by the lake in the back yard. It was quieter there so we could actually hear each other. We sat at the end of the dock looking up at the stars. As Michael put his arm around me he could tell that I was getting a little chilly, so he took off his flannel and put it on me while smiling. I looked up at him and smiled.

"You look so cute." he said while doing a big dorky smile as he put his arm back around my waist pulling me closer.

I leaned into his chest, just listening to the water crash against the land and his heart beating and he kissed the top of my head.

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