12-The Date

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After Michael parked he quickly jumped of the car, as I grabbed my purse I looked up to see him opening my door for me.

"What has gotten into you Michael?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Well like I love that you're being all sweet but it's just.." I trailed off.

"Just what?" he said worried.

"It's kind of weird.. I don't know. You're just usually so goofy. It's not bad, it's just unusual." I said smiling.

"Well my princess deserves the best." he said smiling.

He called me his princess. I couldn't help but smile. I loved being called that.

"Well are you coming princess?" he asked.

"Oh yes." I said giggling as I got out of the car.

He shut the door and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers as we walked to the door. He opened the door for me again and we walked up to the podium in the restaurant foyer.

"Yessir?" the host asked Michael.

"Reservation for Clifford." Michael said with great confdence.

"Yessir, right this way." the host said as he led us to a secluded booth in the back of the restaurant.

I scooted in the booth and Michael sat right beside me placing his arm around my waist. I looked up at him, his green eyes sparkling as the lights hit them. He just looked so cute I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" Michael asked.

"You just look so cute." I answered.

"I look nothing compared to you." he said as he kissed me.

I could feel him smiling through the kiss. We pulled away as we heard heels aproaching. We looked up to see our waitress. We gave her our order and she quickly disappeared.

"So tomorrow's the day, huh?" I asked sadly.

"Oh princess, please don't be so sad." Michael said.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"And I don't care how many times you picture it in your head, I am NOT going to forget you. I love you, baby." Michael said in the most sincere way causing me to slightly smile.

"There. Keep that smile. It looks beautiful on your face." he said causing me to smile more.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek.The waitress shortly brought out our food. We ate while having small conversations here and there. Michael paid and we walked back the car, Michael still opening every door for me. We drove back to where the boys were staying and then took a walk. As we walked it began to get a little chilly, Michael could tell I was getting cold and let me wear the jacket from his suit and we continued walking. As we walked we talked about everything. I loved talking to Michael. We could talk about anything. We shortly returned back to the place the boys were staying. Michael went back to his room as I walked back to Luke's to check on Gordon. When I reached Luke's room I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard Luke yell.

I walked in and found Luke scrolling through something on his phone as Gordon laid on his chest.

"Oh wow! Shawna!?" Luke said shocked.

"Yea?" I asked giggling.

"You look amazing! How did tonight go?" Luke asked.

"It was amazing. Like I've always thought of Michael as the goofy one in the group, but tonight he showed me what a sweetheart he is." I said smiling.

"Yea, you know he's never done that with any other girl?" Luke said.

"He hasn't?" I asked confused.

"Nope, he's really crazy about you and he's a great guy. I really hope y'all stay together." Luke said smiling.

"Thanks, so do I." I said smiling. "So how was Gordon?"

"He was a perfect little kitty." Luke said smiling and petting Gordon.

I picked up Gordon and cuddled him in my arms.

"Hey!" Luke yelled at me.

"Mommy missed her little Gordon." I said as I left the room.

Gordon and I joined Michael back in his room. He was sitting on his bed, typing up a tweet. A few seconds later my phone went off alerting me that Michael had tweeted. I opened the tweet and saw a picture of us tonight, I didn't even know he had taken a picture of us. The tweet said, "A perfect evening with my beautiful princess." I looked over at Michael smiling.

"What?" he asked.

"That tweet." I said.

"What about it? he asked smiling.

"It was so sweet. But when did you take that picture?" I said.

"At dinner while you weren't paying attention. Do you like it?" He said smiling.

"I love it." I said kissing him.

Just then the door swung open and Luke jumped on top of me, stealing Gordon and running out of the room laughing.

Michael jumped up to chase him but I stopped him.

"Don't, if Gordon is really that important let Luke have him for the night. Right now I just wanna enjoy our time together." I said smiling.

Michael sat back down on the bed smiling and leaned over and kissed me.

"Michael can I get something more comfortable?" I asked.

He walked over to his dresser and tossed me a pair of sweat pants and and a Jack Daniels t-shirt. I walked to the bathroom and changed then came back to find Michael with my phone in his hand blowing it up with selfies. I cleared my throat catching his attention.

"Oops. You weren't supposed to catch me." he said giggling.

"You're so cute." I said as I cuddled up next to him as he continued to take selfies.

After a few I took my phone from him and set it on the table then kissed him. He yawned, tearing us a part.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Mmm, a little." he said looking like he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Good night, cupcake." I said as I kissed his forehead. He cuddled up really close to me and I watched him slowly drift off to sleep with a smile on his face.

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