6-The Day After

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We just sat at the end of the dock, talking for a few hours. As it got later I could feel my eyes getting heavier. That's all I remember from that night.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I sat up in panic of not knowing where I was and checked my phone, 5:30 am then I heard a groaning. I looked over to my side seeing Michael.

"Where are we?" I asked?

"At Mali Koa's. You fell asleep when we were sitting on the dock so I carried you up here." he explained.

"Ohh." I said with much relief.

"I was gonna stay on the couch. But when I laid you down, you just looked so cute. I sat beside you for a minute just playing with your hair, but erm.. I kind of fell asleep too." Michael said, giggling nervously.

"It's fine." I said placing my hand on his smooth cheek.

He smiled as I laid back down. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead as I fell back asleep. At about 10 I heard a loud banging. I buried my head in Michael's chest where I couldn't hear it. Just then the door busted open and in came Ashton banging on a pot with a wooden spoon.


I groaned and threw a pillow at him. He threw it back and sat on top of me. Michael sat up laughing.

"ASHTOOOOON!" I screamed.

"C'mon! Get up!" Ashton yelled.

"NOOOO!" I screamed rolling over causing him to fall off the bed.

Ashton popped up, his mouth by my ear, "There's food." he said in a sneaky voice.

"I'm up!" I groaned. Ashton got up and exited the room still banging on the pot.

I rolled over burying myself into Michael's chest once again. I could feel him playing with my hair which made me smile.

"I can feel you smiling." Michael said in a deep, raspy voice. I giggled.

"C'mon, you told Ashton you would get up." he said. I groaned.

He got up and and picked me bridal style in his arms as I threw my arms around his neck.

"Even with your hair going in every direction, you're still beautiful." he said grinning.

I jumped out of his arms and quickly ran into the bathroom. I returned shortly after brushing my hair and splashing some water on my face to wake me up.

"I guess we should go downstairs before Ash returns with his pan and spoon." I said.

"Alright, let's go." he said.

We met Ashton halfway down the stairs.

"I thought I was gonna have to go for a round 2 of wake up call with you. One thing is for sure, you are NOT a morning person." Ashton said.

"You've got that right. Oh and next time try beating the pan in a rhthym, Mr. Drummer." I said in a teasing tone.

Ashton giggled and we walked the rest of the way down the stairs and ate breakfast. When we finished eating, and Michael carried our plates to the sink.

"So how much longer are y'all going to be in Houston?" I asked them.

"Just a few more days." Calum said with a mouth full of food.

"Calum! Manners!" Mali koa shouted, hitting his arm. He just smiled.

I faked a smile at Cal's answer, I know Michael asked me to be his girlfriend, but he'll probably just forget about me after he leaves. Michael could tell something was bothering me as he put his arm around me.

"Hey, wanna take a walk with me?" he asked.

"Sure." I said smiling forreal this time.

He took my hand, lacing our fingers and we left the house, just exploring this environment that neither of us were used to.

"I've never seen this part of Houston before." I said while looking around at the beautiful forest.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"In the kitchen...I could tell that something was bothering you when Cal said we were only gonna be here a few more days.." he said trailing off.

"Well I don't know. I know we've only known each other for like 2 days..." I took a deep breath. "But you're like the guy I've always dreamed of falling in love with."

"What's so bad about that?" he asked confused.

"I just feel like after you leave Houston and continue the tour, you're gonna forget about me..." I said sadly looking down and trailing off, a single tear escaping my eye.

"Look at me, Shawna." he said stopping.

He cupped my face in his hands and tilted it up where we were looking each other in the eyes.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. I could never forget you, even if I tried. We haven't known each other long, but you already mean the world to me. I know it's going to be tough while I'm away on tour, but we can make it work babe." he said as I felt his lips crash upon mine.

He was so gentle yet, so passionate with the kiss. He backed me into a tree as he kissed me, his hands exploring my body. He did everything so perfect, I did not want it to end. I felt my shirt start to lift, then we heard the crushing of leaves followed by the clearing of a throat. We pulled apart to see Luke standing there and staring at us.

Michael and I both blushed as Luke said, "Getting a little hot there I see." while doing a sneaky, half grin.

I just kind of giggled nervously as Michael said, "Enjoy the show? Next one is gonna cost ya." laughing at the end.

Luke giggled, "Don't worry, I won't advertise the show." and walked away.

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