36-Birthday Breakfast

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2 days later.


I woke up slightly earlier than usual, it was 11:00 still kind of late, and then woke the guys up being sure to be quiet and not wake up Shawna. We had been planning this for quite a few days. Luke and Calum cooked breakfast, pancakes and eggs, Shawna's favorite of course. Ashton and I got some balloons and tied them to the chair Shawna always sat in at the dining room table. And hung a banner up and decorated a bit more. Luke and Calum finished breakfast as we hung the last streamer. I fixed a plate and the boys followed me to Shawna's room making sure to be very quiet. I put the plate on a tray and sat it on the bed next to Shawna and kissed her.

"Good morning Princess." I said as I held fingers behind my back counting down. When I got to 1 the guys and I all shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Awe guys!" Shawna said smiling as she sat up and rubbed her tired eyes. I placed the tray of food in her lap.

"I love you princess." I said smiling.

"Cupcake!" Shawna cooed. Her smile covered most of her face. The guys quietly snuck out of the room as I kissed her once more. She couldn't stop smiling through the kiss.

"I've only been awake for like 2 minutes and this is already the most amazing birthday ever. I love you!" She said still smiling.

"Gotta give my princess the best birthday ever. Just wait until tonight." I said smiling.

"Oh so the boys aren't gonna ruin the surprise this time?" she asked giggling.

"What other surprise did they ruin?" I asked. I figured she was talking about the day I asked her to be my girlfriend but she hadn't seemed to be remembering things too well lately so I figured I'd test her memory.

"Like the way they almost did the day you asked me to be yours." she said smiling even bigger. I pulled her close hugging her tight and almost spilling the food everywhere.

"Oh my gosh baby!" I exclaimed as happy tears filled my eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" she asked confused.

"Baby I didn't remind you of that. You remembered it all on your own. I think you're getting your memory back!" I said kissing her. I was just so happy.

She giggled as I released her. She began to eat her breakfast.

"So what are we doing tonight?" She asked with a mouth full of pancakes. It was strangely cute when she didn't use her manners.

"It's a secret." I said smirking.

"Well how am I supposed to know what to wear?" She always tried using that excuse when I wouldn't tell her what we were doing. It never worked tho.

"Look under the bed." I said still smirking. She sat the empty tray in my lap and looked under the bed pulling out a small, silver glittery bag, she always said glitter was her favorite color even though I don't think glitter is a color technically and I've found that she is very fond of silver. She sat next to me as she opened the bag. Her face lit up and she got teary eyed as she pulled out a gold sequined dress. (http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=5452553&.svc=copypaste&id=135836390)

"Oh my gosh baby. It's so beautiful!

"You know what will make it even more beautiful?" I said.


"When it's on you." I said pushing some hair behind her ear and kissing her slow and passionately.

"How did I get so lucky?" She said.

"I ask myself that same question everyday." I said smiling. She stared at the dress a bit more.

"Luke talked me into getting it for you."

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. I fell in love with it when I saw it and just thought about how great it would look on you. But I put it back on the rack in fear that you wouldn't like it. Luke could tell exactly what I was thinking and urged me to buy it for you. He agreed with me that it would look amazing on you so I bought it and after seeing your reaction I'm so glad he made me get it." I said smiling.

"I feel like we should do something for Luke. He's done so much for us. You know if it wasn't for Luke we probably wouldn't be together.." she said in a kind of guilty tone.

"I know. Luke is like my best mate. I really don't know what I would have done without him that night." I said as the door slowly creaked open and we saw just a blonde quiff creep in.

"Is everyone decent?"

"Yes Luke!" Shawna giggled as Luke walked in.

"Oh so you gave her the bag?" Luke asked.


"Oh my gosh Lukey! It's so beautiful!" Shawna said hugging Luke.

"Good. I'm glad you like it." Luke said smiling. "So the guys had questions about tonight."

"I'll be in there in just a moment." I said.

"I have some questions as well." Shawna said.

"Well it's all a secret from you." Luke laughed and left the room.

"Baby save the dress for tonight and put on something comfy for now." I said as I left the room and walked to the guest room that Ashton was staying in and where all the guys were sitting in a circle on the bed. I shut the door and joined the circle.

"So what are the plans tonight, Mike?" Ashton asked.

"Okay so the party is going to be black tie so wear your suits. Shawna's parents and I are going to keep her busy. The guests are going to start arriving around 7(19:00) which is about the time we should be getting back. When we walk through the door someone is going to turn the lights on and everyone jumps up and yells surprise. Got it?" I explained.

"Yeah." all the guys said in unison.

(A/N: Do you like when I do the outfits? Comment!)

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