26-Sleepy Time

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Calum and Luke fell asleep during one of the movies. Shawna got up and covered them up with some blankets and then came back and cuddled up next to me on the couch. About half way through the next movie Ashton dozed off.

"Your friends can't hang." Shawna whispered. I couldn't help but laugh.

"They probably have jet lag." I said.

"Nah, they just can't hang." she giggled.

We finished the movie and Shawna got up from the couch.

"Going to bed babe?" I asked.

"No, come here." she whispered.

I got up and walked to her. She grabbed my hand and lead me outside to her backyard. We walked out the back door and she led up onto the pool deck and stopped.

"Late night swim?" I giggled.

"No." She said as she sat down. I sat down beside her kind of confused. She laid her head on my chest and looked up.

"So what are we doing out here?" I asked confused.

"Just look." she said pointing up at the stars.

"The stars? What about them?" I asked.

"They're just so pretty. I love laying out here and looking up at the stars on a nice night like this." She said smiling. The moonlight reflected off of her beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you know any of the constellations?" I asked.

"No, I just love looking at the stars. What about you?" she said.

"I know a few, mostly just the basic ones." I told her.

"Like what?" she asked.

"Well that's the Big Dipper, and there's Orion, and that's Ursa Major." I said pointing out each one.

"That's so cool!" she practically screamed as she cuddled closer to me. I could tell she was cold, I took off my sweat shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders and held her tighter. This moment just felt so perfect.


I was woken up by water pouring on me. At first I figured it was one of the guys just pouring it over my head but when I opened my eyes I realized I was still outside and it was raining. Shawna was still cuddled up next to me. I gently shook her waking her up.

"C'mon babe, let's go inside, it's raining." I said. She groaned. I could tell she was tired as she fell back asleep. I picked her up and carried her back into the house and to the bed. As I laid her down on the side she always slept on I looked at the clock, it read 2 am. I took off my soaked clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants and then climbed into bed with her, holding her in my arms as I tried to fall back asleep. I loved falling asleep like this and really wasn't looking forward to leaving her in a couple of days. I never slept as well as I did when I had her in my arms. I slowly drifted back off to sleep.


When I woke up I felt a second pair of arms wrapped around me. I slowly rolled over to see whose they were. I saw Luke. I gently shook him and he woke up.

"Luke, what are you doing?" I asked kind of confused.

"I had a bad dream and I came in to see if you were still up cause you're always the one I talk to about those things but you weren't...." Luke trailed off.

"Awe, Lukey." I said smiling and hugging him. "Are you okay? What was the dream?"

"I dreamed cats became extinct!" He whined.

"Oh my gosh Luke!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Michael you're so loud!" I heard Shawna whine. I hadn't realized I woke her up.

"I'm sorry babe." I said kissing her forehead.

"What could be so funny at 8 am anyway?" she groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Well Luke was telling me about this 'horrible' dream he had last night." I said doing finger quotes when I said horrible.

"Oh hey Luke." She said just realizing he was there.

"Hi." He said back.

"So what did poor Lukey dream?" She asked.

"I dreamed cats became extinct!" He whined exactly as he did the first time.

Shawna gasped. "THAT WOULD BE HORRIBLE!" She exclaimed.

"I know! Like I don't even want to imagine the world without cats!" Luke said.

"Me either!" Shawna agreed.

I couldn't help but laugh at them. The way they were talking about cats was just so funny.

I then heard a tummy growl.

"Is Lukey hungry?" I asked.

"How do you know it was mine?" Luke asked.

I gave him a stern look.

"Okay, it was mine." He said laughing.

"C'mon lets go get something to eat." I said.

We looked in the living room and saw Calum and Ashton still sleeping.

"Hey guys I just had an idea!" Shawna exclaimed quietly trying not to wake the boys.

"What is it?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen so we wouldn't wake them.

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