48-A Penguin and a Shrimp? In A Wedding?

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Oh my hood! About 6 months ago I was just a fan who obsessed over a band member and now here I am, engaged to that band member. I couldn't be happier. I was spending the rest of my life with the most amazing guy ever.
*2 weeks later*
I was out to lunch with Kendra, Cindy, and Amy. I had something HUGE to ask all of them. Kendra was my best friend and of course she already knew she was in the wedding.
"There's something we need to talk about."
"What is it? Is everything alright?" Kendra asked worried as Cindy and Amy looked at me with questionable expressions.
"I have something really important to ask all of you."
"Oh my gosh Shawna. What is it?" Amy asked a tad worried.
I handed each of them a box, all very similar, Kendra's was a bit different. On top of Kendra's box read "On the most important day of my life would...." she opened the box. On the lid read "Shrimpy be my maid of honor?" and it was filled with all of Kendra's favorite snacks.
On top of Cindy and Amy's boxes read their names and when they opened the boxes it read "If I promise there will be no bows on the butt, ugly colors, or puffed sleeves will you be my brides maid?" Theirs also had their favorite snacks and in each box I put in a custom charm bracelet.
They were all ecstatic and hugged me practically smothering me!
"I would be honored to!" Kendra said making a lame joke as Amy and Cindy also accepted my request.
"Kendra you're such a dork!" I said.
"But you love me anyway!" She said cocky.
"Oh shut up!" I said as the waiter brought us our tickets. We paid and then drove back to the house. I walked in last and got tackled as soon as I walked through the door.
"MICHAEL! GET OFF ME!" I yelled. He giggled and kept sitting on me.
"GET OFF OR NO PIZZA!" I threatened. He jumped up and picked me up in his arms.
"Oh no baby! I'm so sorry! No! please don't take awa-" I shut him up by kissing him.
"Alright now you love birds!" Slicey shouted!
We giggled as we pulled our lips apart.
"So did you ask them?" Michael whispered in my ear.
"What did they say?" He asked impatiently.
"My maid of honor is gonna be a Shrimp. And my bridesmaids are going to be a Slice of pizza and Amy." I giggled while saying it. "So when are you gonna ask the guys?"
"In a few. We were just about to go grab something to eat like you and the girls did." He said putting me back on the ground as the guys walked in the room.
"Are you ready Michael?" Luke asked.
"I love you sweetie." I said standing on the tip of my toes and kissing him.
"Bye Princess." he said smiling as they left.


"Guys I have something to ask you." I said as we all finished eating.
"What's up Michael?" Calum asked as Luke and Ashton just stared at me. I handed each of them a box with their name written on top. I hadn't even looked at the boxes. Shawna made them, she was so creative. They opened the boxes and I could see snacks in them and a watch in each box. They all looked up smiling.
"Hey, you really made the best choice." Luke said with a stupid smirk on his face.
"Oh shut up Luke!" I shouted as the waiter came by to check on us.
"Can we get the checks please?" Ashton asked.
"It's already been paid for." The waiter said.
"What? By who?" Calum asked confused as the waiter pointed to an older gentleman sitting alone in the corner. We walked over to him and thanked him.
"I saw what you did and I wish you and your wonderful girl the best of luck." The old man said smiling at me. "You seem like a nice bunch of lads."
We stayed a bit longer just chatting with the man.

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