34- The Frick Wait... WHAT?

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She practically ripped my pants off of me and threw them on the ground and began to kiss my neck and ran her hands down my torso.

It felt great but at the same time it felt a little rushed. A few hours ago she woke up and thought she had been dating Luke for 2 years... And now here she is in bed with me.

"Baby? Can we please just--"

She cut me off with another kiss. I pulled away.

"Shawna please! We need to talk!" I screamed. I hated having to scream at her. It made me feel terrible. But we really needed to talk.

"You're not comfortable with this are you?" she asked.

"Baby, you're not acting like you. It's like now you're someone completely different." I said trying not to cry. Ever since the accident she's been acting entirely different.

"Wait, we have had sex before right?" she said.

I sighed. "Yes baby. But that's not the point." I got up, grabbed some pants, and walked out of the room. I didn't want her to see me crying.

I walked out side to the deck and looked up at the stars just like I did with her the night before the accident. I called Luke as she walked out side without me realizing, she stayed quiet.

"I thought y'all were having a good time. Why the hell are you calling me?" Luke said confused.

I began to cry.

"What's wrong?" Luke said.

"Please go alone? I need to talk to just you." I said.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna sit this game out!" Luke said to the guys and I assume he walked away because I didn't hear any balls hitting pins.

"Michael what's wrong?"


"Woah woah, Michael! Calm down and explain things!" Luke almost shouted.

"Everything is just so different. She has changed so much in just a few hours, Luke. She wanted to have sex but it was different this time."

"What are you talking about Michael?"

"Luke she was just focused on fucking. I could tell there was no love behind her actions." I began crying more and punched the deck. "Luke she's a completely different person. That accident changed her." I think at that point Luke began to feel guilty. I heard some sniffling.

"Michael I'm so sorry."

"No Luke, don't blame yourself."

"But Mi-"

"What did I say Luke!?" I snapped probably making him feel worse.

"I'm sorry Luke. I just don't know what else to do. I really thought she was 'The One' but not with her acting like this. This isn't the girl I fell in love with." At this point I couldn't stop crying.

Shawna walked up the deck.

"Do you really feel that way?" Shawna asked. I guess Luke heard her.

"Michael, I'll talk to you later." and he hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket.



I walked back into the bowling alley to the guys as they were finishing the game.

"Hey guys we need to go like NOW! Michael needs us." I said. I was really worried about him. I really hope everything between him and Shawna works out.

"Is he okay?" Calum asked.

"There's no time to explain. We gotta go!" I snapped as I walked to the shoe return and threw the bowling shoes on the counter and then walked to the car.

I just really hope things work out. I've never see Michael as happy as he was when he's with Shawna.

Calum and Ashton ran to catch up with me. We all got in the car and I quickly drove back to Shawna's house.

"Seriously Luke! What is going on?" Ashton asked scared.

"Michael is scared. I don't know. He just said Shawna is acting different." I didn't realize how fast I was driving. I cut a 30 minute trip into a 10 minute trip. We pulled into Shawna's drive way and I ran into the house.



(This is while Luke was driving)

"Do you?" she said again. Her voice breaking the way it did before she cried.

"I'm sorry baby."

She ran back in the house and I chased after her. She tried to lock herself in the bathroom but I was too quick. I knew what she was going to do if she had successfully closed and locked that door. I wasn't going to let her go back down that route. I've fought this battle with Ashton plenty of times. I wasn't going to let her hold that blade in her hand and pierce her wrist or legs or anywhere else.

"Baby please. I'm so sorry." I said running my fingers against her scars.

"If that's how you feel why are you here?"

"Baby I still love you."

"But I'm so different" she said mimicking me.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight with tears streaming down my face.

"Baby. I am so sorry."

She pushed me away and got up.


She screamed. I couldn't help but cry more. What does this mean for us? Is this just our first fight or was this the end of us? She walked back in and threw some of my things that she had stolen at me. I just looked at her confused. She had her keys in her hands.

"Don't bother coming after me." She said and then stormed out of the house and got in her car. About a minute later I hear another car pull up and several footsteps. Some were walking while I heard one set running.

"MICHAEL!?" I heard Luke scream.

"I'm in the bathroom" I shouted still crying. Luke ran in and immediately hugged me as Ashton and Calum followed confused.

"What's going on? Where is Shawna?" Calum asked.

I laid my head on Luke's shoulder and cried harder.

"Sh-she left. Luke, after we got off the phone Shawna and I got in a HUGE fight and she came and threw a bunch of things she stole at me and told me not to chase after her and she left."

Luke's shirt was soaked because I was crying so much.

"WHAT?" Calum exclaimed.

"C'mon Michael. I don't care what she said. You're going to get her back!" Luke said.

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