4-That Breakfast Changed It All

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I was woken up the next morning by a loud banging on my hotel room door. I looked at the clock. 7:30. House keeping doesn't come this early so who could that be? I rolled out of the bed not even checking how I looked in the mirror and opened the door to Michael holding a boquet of flowers.

He giggled, "Well good morning sleep head!" he said happily.

"Sleepy head? It's 7 am!" I groaned rubbing my eye and letting him.

I went back and laid in my bed. Michael put the flowers on a table and sat next to me.

"Even with bed head, morning breath, and leftover makeup you're still beautiful." he said genuinely.

I immediately jumped and rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I returned a few minutes later.

"So what are you doing here? Um not that I don't want you to be." I asked.

"I just couldn't keep myself away any longer. Get dressed and I'm gonna take you out to breakfast." He said smiling ear to ear.

"Awe, thats so sweet. Just give me a few minutes to get ready?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't see what else you need to do though, you look beautiful." he replied.

"Well I'd rather not go out to breakfast in my pajamas." I said laughing.

"Well if you say so." He said trying not to giggle.

I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to get dressed. I put on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and a Nirvana tank. (http://www.polyvore.com/concert/set?id=133617799) I then proceeded to do my makeup. When I finished I opened the door and left the bathroom but I couldn't find Michael.

"Michael?" I shouted.

"BOOO!" Michael screamed jumping out from behind the wall.

I placed my hands over my chest and jumped losing my balance and almost falling but before I hit the floor Michael caught me.

"Oh my hood! Michael, don't scare me like that!" I yelled at him.

He laughed and said, "Oh my hood?"

"Oh yea, I actually say that on a regular basis instead of oh my gosh." I said nervously.

"Well, definitely gonna have to tell Calum about this." He said teasing.

"Whatever." I said still mad at him.

"Well are you ready?" Michael said.

"Yeaa" I said.

I put on my black vans and we left the hotel. He brought me to a small diner, we walked in and sat in the back. The waitress quickly walked over and asked what she could get for the cute couple.

Michael simply replied, "Oh we're not a couple..." I looked down. "At least not yet." Michael finished with a sneaky smile and I looked up giggling and blushing.

We sat in a comfortable silence until the waitress brought us our drinks and then took our order. After she left I caught Michael doing a cheesy smile to me.

"What?" I said blushing.

"Well?" He said.

"Well what?" I asked confused.

"You heard what I told the waitress?" he asked.

"Yess." I replied.

"Well?" He said again.

"Well what?" I said.

"Are you?" he said.

"Am I what?" I was so confused at this point.

"I'm going to have to say it? Aren't I?" he said slightly giggling.

"Please do because I'm totally lost right now." I said back.

"Okay," Michael took a deep breath.

Then the waitress brought out our food.

"Oh yay! I'm starved!" Michael screamed like a little kid.

"Michael?" I said.

"What?" he asked.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"Huh?" he said with a mouth full of pancake.

"Before she brought out our food, you were saying something?" I said.

"Ohh, right. Well since you're actually gonna make me say it, um...well.. uh.." he stuttered.


Just then the door opened and 3 figures walked towards us.

"Hey guys, look it's Mikey!" screamed a loud Ashton.

And they came over and they walked over and sat with us.

"What's up mate!?" Ashton's voice was so loud and people began to stare.

"Did you ask her yet?" Calum said.

"I was kind of in the middle of it.." Michael said slowly.

"Oh hey um, Calum, Ashton! Can you guys help me find my phone? I think I left it in the car." Luke said.

They all left and I was confused.

"Michael, what were they talking about?" I asked.

"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Michael asked.

I stared into his beautiful green eyes for a moment, almost getting lost in them. I could tell he was nervous and his cheesy smile turned into a nervous lip bite.

"Of course!" I exclaimed with the cheesiest smile on my face afterwards and then stared into his eyes again. I was lost in them. Then I felt something hitting my hip and snapped out of my daze. It was Ashton nudging me to scoot over.

"So Michael?" said Calum.

"Yes." Michael said doing a cute blushy smile.

"Owh. What a cute new couple!" Ashton practically yelled.

"Inside voice!" I reminded Ashton.

"Oh right." he said giggling.

A/N: Sorry for such a boring and short chapter. But it's 4 am here and I'm literally falling asleep. But I'll try to give you 2 updates tomorrow. Oh and fun fact, that outfit is what I wore to the One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer concert a week ago. Well I hope ya'll enjoyed this. Leave me comments about what you think please(:

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