18-The Surprise

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••••••••2 Weeks Later••••••••

Things with Michael have been going so great. I was really afraid of him leaving and continuing the tour because I thought he might forget about me but so far things have gone pretty great. We've talked every night sometimes morning or afternoon depending on the timezone he's in. I just can't wait for him to be back in 2 weeks. It's just so perfect that he has 2 weeks off around my birthday. I just can't stop smiling while thinking about it.

Just then I heard a knock on my door so I went to answer. I opened the door to see Michael. I literally pinched myself just to make sure it wasn't my imagination. When I realized it wasn't my imagination I pretty much tackled Michael onto my front porch. I was just so happy to see him. We laid there for a second just hugging each other. Then I finally got up and helped Michael up.

"Sweetie, what are you doing here?" I thought you weren't coming for 2 more weeks." I said confused.

"Well we finished recording a few days ahead of schedule causing us to have some down time so I decided to come here and surprise my Princess." he said then he picked me up and spun around as he kissed me.

I missed this so much. I missed him doing cute little things like this. I missed his touch. His presence. His kiss. He just stood there. Holding me as we kissed. The kiss was slow but filled with so much passion. These were my favorite kind of kisses that we shared. After a moment we pulled away and walked into my house.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." Michael said.

"I've missed you so much too sweetie. I was just thinking about you before I heard the knocking on the door." I said smiling.

We sat on the couch and he pulled me close and kissed me again. We were interrupted by Gordon jumping in Michael's lap.

"Awe, look who came to see daddy." Michael said.

I just smiled. Michael was so cute with Gordon. I took my phone out and took a sneaky picture of Michael and Gordon. It was precious. I tweeted it with the caption, "My two kittens." Michael laughed when he saw the tweet and we laughed about it.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Michael.

"I don't care as long as I get to be with you." Michael said smiling.

"How about a movie marathon/game competition?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me Princess." he said smiling bigger.

I made some popcorn as Michael picked out some movies to watch. I pulled the popcorn out of the microwave as Michael put in the first movie. I put the popcorn in a bowl and as I walked back into the living room I could hear the movie menu music. I just looked at Michael and smiled. It was frozen.

"So you decided to go with my favorite movie first?" I said as I sat down next to Michael.

"Well of course. Gotta keep my Princess happy." Michael said as he started to "yawn and stretch."

"Baby, if you wanna put your arm around me then just do it. I hate when guys do the 'yawn, stretch, put arm around babe' move." I said.

Michael giggled and placed his arm around me. I smiled and scooted closer to him, placing my head on his chest. Everything just seemed so perfect. This time instead of laughing at me everytime I sang each song he joined me and sang along too.

"I see someone has been watching frozen with out me?" I said teasing Michael.

"Oh yeah. Ashton loves this movie." Michael said laughing.

"Uh huh, sure." I said teasing Michael.

After Frozen ended we played some Call of Duty. I beat Michael the first round and the second round he beat me. Then we watched Forest Gump, Michael's favorite movie, and one of mine.

About half way through the movie I could feel my eyes getting droopy. About 20 minutes later I started dozing off.

I woke up in my bed. I didn't remember going to my room. I looked at the clock on my radio, it read 10:37 (22:37). I got up and walked to the living room to see if Michael was still up, which he was. He was sitting on the couch, scrolling through something on his phone. I went and sat by him again.

"Well hello there sleeping beauty." Michael said putting his phone on the table and kissing my forehead.

"How did I get back to my room?" I asked confused.

"I carried you. You looked so tired. I didn't wanna wake you." He said smiling.

"Awe, sweetie." I said smiling and kissed his cheek.

A moment of silence passed.

"So how long are you going to be here?" I asked.

"I'm only gonna be here a few days." Michael said sadly.

"How many is a few?" I asked.

"Like 4." Michael said.

It wasn't long at all but I'm glad that he came and surprised me.

"So is it weird being away from the guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, kind of. Usually when we're apart it's because we're back home in Sydney with our families." Michael said.

"It's kind of weird not facetiming you and having all of the guys interrupt with their shenanigans." Right as I said that my phone started to ring. It was a facetime call from Luke. Michael laughed.

"Answer it!" he said.

I answered it.

"Hey guys!" Luke practically screamed.

Calum and Ashton were there too.

"Hey guys!" I said back.

"What's up?" Ashton asked.

"Well we were actually just talking about you guys." Michael said.

"Uh oh." Calum blurted out.

"No, all good things, all good things." I said laughing.

Calum laughed.

"I see you got her watching frozen. Good job mate." Ashton said winking.

I laughed. "IT'S ONLY MY FAVORITE MOVIE ASHTON!" I screamed.

Luke laughed. "So what were y'all talking about us for?"

"I was telling Michael how weird it was not facetiming him and having you guys interrupt with all of your crazy shenanigans." I said laughing.

"Well here we are!" Calum said smiling.

I laughed.

"So what are you guys up to?" Michael said.

"Just hangin out." Luke said.

"Well careful guys, don't live too dangerously." I said causing everyone to laugh.

"Well what about you guys? What are y'all up to? Shawna's hair looks pretty crazy." Calum said winking.

"Oh no, none of that." I said laughing.

"We were playing video games and watching movies. She had fallen asleep so now she has a little bed head." Michael explained as he fixed my hair.

The boys laughed.

"I gotta admit, it's kind of weird without ya Mike." Calum said.

"Yeah, it's kind of weird not being there. Especially on pizza night!" Michael almost screamed.

"Oh man, we couldn't do pizza night without you, Mikey!" Ashton said.

"Awe guys. You skipped pizza night for me?" Michael said.

"Of course, it's just not the same without having to fight you for the last piece." Calum laughed.

I just laughed.

"Hey, I'll be right back sweetie." I said before leaving the room.

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