24-The Visitors.

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I was honestly in heaven. I loved being able to lay down at night with Michael. I love the way he held me and the way I would always fall asleep in his arms. I loved hearing his quiet snoring.

It wasn't long and I fell asleep. The next morning Michael and I were both woken up by a loud banging on the door. I looked at my phone, it was 7:32 am.

"Sweetie, can you get that?" I asked as I rolled back over and fell asleep.

*Michael's POV*

I got up to answer the door, throwing on some shorts so whoever was at the door wouldn't be surprised by a person in their boxers and ran my fingers through my hair attempting to fix it. As I walked through the living room, I looked over to the single couch and saw all of our clothes thrown all over from last night. I heard another loud knocking on the door as I quickly threw the clothes behind the couch and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and thought I had to be seeing things. I unlocked the door and opened it then pinched myself to make sure I was awake. I found Calum, Ashton, and Luke standing on the porch and as I opened the door the three of then tackled me to the floor. As they got off of me, I rubbed my eye and yawned while stretching.

"Well good morning sunshine!"Ashton screamed.

"Shhhhh! She's still sleeping." I whispered.

"Oh oops." Ashton giggled.

I yawned again. "What are you guys doing here anyway? and why are you here so early?"

"We wanted to surprise you!" Calum said doing a cheeky smile.

"We figured you'd be up at this time, you usually are up by now." Luke said.

"Yeah, but we were up late last night." I said while yawning once again.

"Wait a minute." Calum said sniffing. "Do you guys smell that?"

"Smell what?" I said as Luke and Ashton sniffed.

"Ahhh" Luke said.

"It smells like sex" Ashton said smirking.

"What? No, it doesn't. Wait, what does sex smell like?" I said.

I then saw Shawna walk in rubbing her eye.

"What's going on in here?" She asked? She opened her eyes and then jumped and ran over to the guys hugging them. I just smiled. It was cute seeing how happy she was to see the guys.


"We came in this morning to surprise you guys!" Calum said doing a cheeky smile.

"Oh my hood! You guys are the best! I've missed all of you so much!" Shawna said super excited.

"Hey Calum, she finally said it in front of you!" Ashton screamed.

"What did I say?" Shawna asked confused. I could tell she was still half asleep. She was so cute.

"You finally said oh my hood in front of me!" Calum practically yelled.

"Oh" Shawna said giggling. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I knew she loved when I did that and honestly I loved it too.

"Why must you guys be so cute?" Calum whined snapping a picture of us.

"Oh no sir! Let me see that!" Shawna screamed, snatching Calum's phone. "Ew! I look so gross!"

I looked over her shoulder at the picture.

"Princess, you look beautiful as always." I said kissing her cheek.

"I still don't like it. I'll be right back." Shawna said as she threw Calum's phone on the couch and ran into her room.

"Where did she go?" Calum said confused.

"She went to her room." I said confused as well. "I'm going to go check on her"

I left the boys in the living room and started to walk to Shawna's room. As I was walking there I heard Luke scream, it was his cat scream and I couldn't help but laugh. He probably found Gordon.

I got to Shawna's room and her door was closed. I lightly knocked on the door.


She walked over and opened the door a crack, hiding her body behind the door.

"Yea sweetie?"

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She let me come in and I saw she had stripped and was only in her bra and underwear. I walked over and sat on the bed. She slowly walked over and sat on my lap.

"I'm fine sweetie, why?" she said straddling me and kissing down my neck. I couldn't help but let out a few quiet moans.

"Baby, not with the guys here." I said through some moans.

She giggled and got off me, walking into the closet. When she came back she was dressed.

"Baby, why must you tease me like that?" I said motioning to the bulge that was now in my shorts.

She giggled and walked over, rubbing her hand on it.

"Babe, you're not helping!" I whined.

She giggled as she walked to the door and locked it. She walked back and slid my shorts down just far enough for the boner to pop out. She pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top, kissing from my neck all the way down my body to the tip. She slowly started to suck. I put a pillow over my face so no one could hear me moaning. She started to accelerate, sucking harder. It was so amazing and spontaneous. I bursts and she just looked up at me and smiled. Then we heard a knock.

"Hey are you guys okay?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, we'll be out in a minute!" I told him.

I kissed Shawna and looked at her one more time.

"Hey babe, you might wanna change shirts." I said pointing out the spot on her shirt. She looked down as her eyes got big. She tore the shirt off and threw it in the dirty clothes and grabbed another shirt from her closet. She put it on.

A/N: sorry it's quite dirty. I'll update again in a few hours.

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