44-A Ring.

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I bursted into tears.
"What exactly do you mean?" Calum asked.
"Well right now he's in a coma with 7 broken ribs, a broken leg, collarbone, and a dislocated hip and there's really no telling when he'll wake up. Does anyone know what exactly happened?" The doctor said.
"None of us really know what happened. He left to go for a jog. And he was gone for over 2 hours so we got worried and went looking for him." Shawna said.
"Well we should know more in a few hours." The doctor said and left. I just felt like it was all my fault. If only I had gone with him.
"Baby please don't blame yourself." Shawna whispered in my ear as if she could read my mind.
"I'm trying not to."


*2 months later*
I can't believe Luke still hasn't woken up. I wonder if he ever will wake up? We've had to cancel the rest of the tour because we refused to perform without Luke. It just wouldn't be right. I really missed him.
I heard a groan and looked up to see Luke sitting up in the bed.
"LUKE!" I screamed and pretty much tackled him.
"Ahh fuck Michael! Get off of me!" Luke shouted as a doctor walked in.
"Oh you're awake." The doctor says.
"What are you talking about? Where am I? Who are you? Ugh, why does my head hurt so bad? "
"Calm down Luke. You're in the hospital." I said. I was so glad he was awake.
"Mr. Hemmings, calm down! Your blood pressure is rising." The doctor yelled.
"But why am I here? The last I remember I was jogging." Luke asked confused.
"I'm really not sure. You were gone for over 2 hours and we got worried and went looking for you and I found you in the ditch."
"We're going to run a few tests and you should be released by tonight." The doctor said and left.
"So how long was I out?"
"You mean in the coma?" I asked and he nodded his head. "2 months."
"But the tour?"
"We couldn't do it without you Luke..."
"All the fans must have hated me."
"Don't worry about it Luke. It's old news."
A moment of silence passed.
So did you ever do it?" Luke asked.
"Do what?" I asked confused.
"No. I told you I wanted you to help me pick out a ring." I said smiling. The doctor came back in.
"Well Mr. Hemmings, everything appears to be alright and we're releasing you." And the doctor left.
"Did you still want to go?" Luke asked smiling.
"Yes! You want to go like now?"
Luke sat up and got out of the bed.
"Woah!" Luke shouted covering his back as I laughed.
"Oh yeah they put you in a hospital gown."
"Do I have anything else to wear?"
I laughed and handed him some skinny jeans and his favorite flannel.
"Thanks Michael. Oh and sorry I'm a little late but happy birthday." I laughed.
"Thanks Luke. Now go change."
Luke came back a few minutes later.
"Ahh this is so much better!" Luke said. We left the hospital and went to a jewelry store in the mall.
"Can I help you fellas?" the store clerk asked.
"This guy wants to propose and he needs a ring!" Luke shouted.
"L-L-Luke?" Shawna asked walking into the store.
"Oh shit." I whispered.
"Hey princess!" I said loud making sure the store clerk would hear me and not say anything else about the ring.
"When did you wake up?"
"About an hour ago" Luke said looking at his watch.
"Wait why are you guys at a jewelry store?"
"Oh um..."
"Remember Shawna. I told you I ordered you something for your birthday but it never came in. Well we were just picking it up." Luke said. He was always good at coming up with stuff on the spot.
"Shawna we're going to be late!" Kendra yelled.
"I'll see you at home Princess."
"I love you cupcake." she kissed me and then ran to catch up with Kendra.
"That's a beautiful girl you got. You're going to make her happy." The store clerk said. "So how did you meet?"
"Well we're in a band and at our concert in Houston I was running from some fans and she was wondering around trying to find the bathroom and neither of us were watching where we were going and we just collided." My smile grew as I told the story. When I finished the clerk showed us their selection of engagement rings.
"You see any you like Michael?" Luke asked. I gasped.
"Can I see this one!?" I shouted pointing to a ring. And the clerk handed it to me. I held it in my hands and it was just so beautiful.
"Michael it's beautiful. She's gonna love it!" Luke shouted.
"This is the one!" I shouted.
I bought the ring and we walked back to the car. I couldn't stop smiling.
"Michael you're gonna make that girl so happy."

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