9-An Interruption

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Michael kissed me once more, biting my lip as he pulled away which drove me crazy. Michael opened the door to find Calum.

"Hey Cal, what's up?" said Michael inviting Calum in the room.

"Well looks like y'all have been having some fun." Calum said while doing a sneaky smile.

"What?" I said confused.

"Next time don't forget to brush your hair." Calum said in a teasing tone causing Michael and I both to blush.

An awkward moment of silence passed and then "Don't worry, the secret is safe and congrats Michael." Calum said in a sneaky tone and grinning.

Michael and I both giggled.

Another awkward silence passed.

"Soooo..." I awkwardly said breaking the silence.

"Well I came over to remind you about sound check at 8." Calum said.

"Sound check?" Michael asked confused.

"Oh no, you forgot. Didn't you? We're going to be on the radio in the morning." Calum said.

"Oh, pshh. No, I didn't forget. Just wanted to make sure you remembered." Michael said trying to play it off.

"Michael, don't lie." Calum said harshly.

I giggled.

"Alright, you caught me, Cal." said Michael in a cute, pouty voice.

"Shawna, just a warning, if you stay with him, Alarm Clock Ash will be back." Calum said jokingly.

I just rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Alright well I'll see you in the morning, Mike." said Calum before he left.

"Don't worry, I'll probably be up before Ashton, so you can sleep in." Michael said while flashing a thin smile. "Unless you want to come with?"

"I'd love to, it sounds fun." I said smiling.

Michael looked at me with a sneaky smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I was just wanting to kiss you the whole time Cal was here." he said as he pinned me against the wall, slowly and passionately kissing me. I loved when he did things like that. When he just acted like he had to have my kiss right then and there. Like his life depended on it. It was so hot.

As we kissed I felt his hands slowly slide down my body to my ass, griping it tightly. Then he picked me up and moved me back to the bed. Before we got to the bed, I felt his little friend bulging through his pants. He had just lost his virginity about 20 minutes ago and was already ready to go again, but I didn't mind. Normally I would think a guy like that would just want me for sex, but not with Michael. Something was just different about him. After he laid me down on the bed he began to kiss me again. He took his sweat shirt off of me and slowly kissed down my body. Then came back up to my lips as he took my shorts off once again. Then taking his own off. He climbed on top of me and just stayed there, kissing me, while we both remained naked. I reached up and slowly rubbed my hand along his boner and felt Michael smile through the kiss as I did. I did it a few more times, feeling him get harder and harder each time. After a while he pinned both of my hands above my head and aggressively slid in. The first time he was so slow and gentle but this time his thrusts were a lot faster and more aggressive. It drove me crazy. I couldn't help but moan his name loudly even through the kissing. He giggled and then quickly hushed me and continued thrusting, getting more aggressive each time. This time it didn't take long for us both to climax. He slowly pulled out. This time when we finished I got up and took a shower. Since I didn't have any clothes with me Michael gave me a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt.

*Michael's POV*

I don't know what is coming over me. She's just so amazing and I don't want to be away from her, not even for a second. Just the way she makes me feel, I don't know what it is. No one else has ever made me feel like this. I just feel complete. And I don't think it's just because we're still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship. I think this might be for real.

Shawna stepped out of the shower and even with her hair wrapped up in a towel and make up running down her face I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she looked.

"What are you smiling so big for?" She asked, cluelessly.

"You're just so beautiful, I can't help but smile." I said.

"Oh shut up. My hair is in a towel and my make up is a mess." she said.

"I know, but I still can't help but think you're still so beautiful." I told her causing her to blush which was cute.

I got off the bed and walked to her, wrapping her in my arms and kissing the top of her head.

*Shawna's POV*

He was just soo sweet. Sometimes I couldn't believe he actually said the things he said. They just seem too sweet to be coming out of this punk rock guy's mouth. And I loved when he kissed the top of my head.

"Michael Clifford, you are just too sweet sometimes." I said looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"Good, that means I'm doing my job." he said smiling.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. Even just standing here, hugging him and feeling his warm embrace was perfect. Michael pulled away ending this seemingly perfect moment and stepped into the bathroom. I walked back over to the bed and pulled out my phone, scrolling through endless tweets. I was so focused on my phone that I never heard Michael leave the bathroom. He went to put his arm around me causing me to drop my phone from the startle. He just laughed at me as I picked my phone back up. I quickly checked the time.

"Oh goodness. If you have soundcheck at 8 you have to get up pretty early, it's almost midnight, we should probably go to bed." I said.

He giggled, "You're probably right" he said reaching over me to turn off the lamp.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"So what time am I not looking forward to exactly?" I asked.

"Well I'm getting up at 6:30." he said.

"Oh goodness Michael! Do you really need that much time to get ready?" I exclaimed.

He laughed, "No, it takes me about 5 minutes to get ready, but I like to take a walk in the morning and then get some coffee to wake me up."

"Oh, that's so cute." I said smiling.

"You could join me if you want to?" He said.

"Alright, but just be prepared for some not nice words in the morning." I said.

"Oh, it's fine. It's kind of cute how difficult you are to get up in the morn--" He said trailing off.

"Michael?" I asked.

No answer. I heard a light snore and looked over to find a cute sleeping Michael. I whispered, "Good night." and kissed his nose.

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