15-The Hate

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After I hung up with Michael, I went outside for a bit just to sit. I always liked feeling the warm air against my skin and the way the wind just barely blew so it wasn't too hot. But now it was different. It was like the air was just too hot, the wind didn't blow the same. It blew too much blowing my hair all in my face. I walked back in the house not wanting to be outside anymore. I walked to the fridge and opened the freezer, removing a carton of ice cream. It was cookies n cream, my favorite, which caused me to smile a little. I picked my phone back up, finally getting to check it for the first time since I left the airport. I had a bunch of mentions on twitter, so rather than just reading them in my notifications on my phone, I got on my twitter app. I went to the notification tab and read each mention. They were all from Michael's fans, some of them were the ones we met the other day who made us take pictures together and asked for my autographs. But then there were others who were just hateful and caused me to cry. I didn't want to read them anymore but I couldn't put my phone down. Some of the tweets read:

"I don't know why Michael is even with her? She's ugly as fuck!"

"We all know she only wants to bang Michael."

"She just wants Mikey for his fame and money."

"I bet she told Mike that she's pregnant and it's his." attached with a photo of Michael with his arm around me in his shirt and sweat pants which were both like 3 sizes too big, of course it looked like I was chunky the way the clothes were fitting me.

"I wonder how long after he introduces her to Harry she's going to wait to dump him."

There were even some tweets with pictures that were taken today. I didn't even know people were taking our picture.

"Aww, she's crying cause Michael left. Cute. Don't worry sweetie, he'll forget all about you." one said with a picture of tears and mascara running down my face.

Some of the fans I had met were defending me which I liked but I just couldn't stop crying from all of the hate. My phone started to ring in the middle of me crying. I didn't even look at the name. I just wiped my nose and tried to steady my voice.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Baby, are you okay? You sound like you've been crying." I heard Michael say concerned.

"Yea..I'm fine Michael." I said while sniffling.

"Shawna, please don't lie to me. I can tell you've been crying." Michael said in a stern but caring voice.

I didn't answer him.

"Sweetie, please just tell me what's wrong." He said sounding like he was about to cry.

"Well after we got off the phone earlier, I finally checked my phone for the first time since I had left the airport. I noticed my twitter was blowing up so I checked it. And in my mentions were pictures that the fans took of us the other day after your radio interview." Michael let out a cute, happy chuckle.

"That made you cry?" He asked. I could tell he was smiling really big just by his tone.

"No, I wasn't finished." I explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Princess. Continue." He said.

"Well after those mentions I saw some that weren't so nice. Actually they were just plain hateful." I said reciting every tweet that I had read earlier, beginning to cry more as I told him.

"Are you fucking serious!?" Michael almost screamed when I finished telling him, he was obviously mad. "I'm going to do something about this."

"No, Michael, you're just going to make this worst." I said still crying.

"Well, I can't just stand back and let them say these things about you baby, they're hurting you which is hurting me too. I hate when you cry." I could tell Michael was startingto cry as I heard him sniffling as well. "There's gotta be something I can do about this."

"I just don't know Michael. I jsut think we should let this die down some first." I said biting my lip.

I then heard my phone ring, I pulled it away from my ear to see Michael was trying to facetime. I'd much rather see his face. I answered it.

"Hey." I said smiling. Just seeing his face made everything so much better.

"You just look so sad. I wish I could just be there to wrap you in my arms and kiss you and just show you everything was going to be all right." Michael rambled.

"I know, sweetie. I love you." I said.

A moment of silence passed.

"So how was rehearsal?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Well Calum lost his pants, Ashton lost his shirt, Luke sang a lot. You know just the usual." Michael was back to being his goofy self.

I busted out laughing.

"There's that laugh I miss so much." Michael said smiling as his door opened.

"What's so funny?" I heard Ashton say as he walkedd into frame.

"Well I see you still haven't found your shirt." I said laughing.

"Oh, so Mike told you about rehearsal?" He asked laughing too.

"Yea, just a normal rehearsal." I said doing finger quotes when I said normal.

Ashton then looked at me for the first time since we started talking, noticing my make up.

"Why were you crying?" Ashton asked.

Michael and I told him about all of the hate. Ashton shed a few tears as well.

"Shawna, don't worry about them. They're just jealous. You're a beautiufl girl and Michael is extremely lucky to have you." Ashton said, causing me to shed a few tears, this time they were happy tears. "And we are going to do something to fix this. Don't even try to tell me no. No one says those kinds of things about one of my friends and gets away with it. I don't know what yet, but Mike and I are going to talk to Luke and Calum and find a mature and responsible way to handle this."

I smiled at what Ashton said. I didn't think this would mean so much to him.

"Thanks Ash." was all I could manage to get out. He just smiled at me.

"So what's up Ash?" Michael asked.

"Well they sent me in to let you know dinner was ready." he said.

"Oh, you guys go ahead and eat. I'm gonna talk to Shawna some more." Michael said smiling.

"Sweetie, are you sure? You need to go eat." I said concerned.

"Yea Mike, it's pizza! Your fav!" Ashton said really chirpy.

"I'm sure. I want to talk to my Princess." He said smiling really big showing off his pretty white teeth.

I just smiled and waved bye to Ashton.

A/N: another filler sorry if they stink. I promise there's something really good coming up. And sorry it's kind of sad. There will be another update later tonight.

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