19-Michael Wants Another Slice!

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I left Michael talking to the guys for a bit while I went to the kitchen. I could hear Michael's tummy grumbling and I know he missed pizza night so I walked to the fridge and got out the pizza I had in it. I put the pizza in the oven and set a timer then walked back to Michael.

"You okay, sweetie?" Michael asked probably wondering where I went.

"Oh yeah, I just put out some fresh water for Gordon." I told him. I wanted the pizza to be a surprise.

"Oh okay." Michael said.

"So where's Luke?" I asked noticing that he had left too.

"He got hungry." Ashton said.

"Oh figures." I said laughing. It seemed like Luke was always eating something.

The guys just laughed at me as Luke walked back in with a hamburger and pretty much devouring it.

"Ya hungry, Luke?" I said laughing.

"Uh huh." Luke mumbled with a mouth full of burger.

Michael and I laughed, at about that time Calum let out a really loud and long yawn.

"Tired Cal?" I asked.

"Yea" Cal said yawning again, this time slightly quieter.

"You should go to bed." I said concerned.

"I think I will" Calum said as he let out another long yawn.

"Sweet dreams Cal!" I said.

"Good night." Calum said leaving the room as all of the other guys said Good night as well.

"So what did y'all do today?" Michael asked curiously.

"Well after we brought you to the airport, we got spotted and hung out with some fans for a bit." Luke said.

"Then we came back and just played some video games the rest of the day." Ashton said.

"Oh well that sounds exciting." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Oh hush!" Luke scoffed.

I laughed.

"What's that smell?" Michael asked.

"What smell?" I said trying to play it off.

Michael took one long sniff.

"I smell pizza." Michael said.

"Um sweetie, I think you might be having pizza withdrawals." I said laughing.

"Oh hey, my mum is calling." Luke said.

"Tell her I said hi!" Michael said.

"Guess we'll talk to you later. Bye Luke." I said.

"Bye." Luke said before hanging up.

As Luke hung up I heard the timer go off but Michael didn't.

"Hey sweetie, you want something to drink?" I asked getting up.

"Bring me a coke please?" he asked.

"Okay." I said smiling.

I went and took the pizza out of the oven and took out some plates.

"Hey Cupcake, can you come here?" I said.

I saw Michael's face light up when he saw the pizza.

"Awe babe." Michael said smiling.

"I had to. I know how much you love pizza night and you missed it for me. And I could hear your little tummy growling." I said as I poked his tummy.

"Awe." Michael said before he kissed me.

"Well you better get you some while it's hot." I said smiling and handing him a plate with a piece of pizza.

Michael took a bite and dropped his pizza.

"Is something wrong sweetie?" I asked nervous.


"Well I'm glad you like it." I said laughing.

I ate 2 or 3 slices and Michael ate the rest of the pizza. He was about to grab the last slice.

"Michael wants another slice. Michael wants another slice. Pizza! Pizza!" I said. I just couldn't help but say it.

Michael busted out with laughter. His laugh was so cute. He kissed me.

"Babe, I love you so much." He said smiling.

After we finished the pizza, I washed the dishes and we went to bed.

I missed being able to snuggle up to Michael. My pillow just wasn't the same. I missed having his arms wrapped around me and hearing his quiet snoring. It used to irritate me and keep me up but when he was gone it was so hard to fall asleep without it.

A/N: sorry this is so short. But it's almost 4 am here. I'll write a super long chapter tomorrow. I love you guys!

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