13-Saying Goodbye

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I was woken up by someone yelling "damn it!"

I sat up in the bed to see Michael hopping around holding his foot.

"What are you doing?" I asked yawning.

"Oops. Did I wake you princess?" he said smiling at me.

"Kind of. But don't worry about it." I said smiling. "So what was that little number you were doing?"

"Oh, um I stubbed my toe while tiptoeing cause I was trying not to wake you." Michael said as he walked over to the bed and kissed me.

"Awe you're so sweet." I said yawning.

Michael pushed my hair behind my ear as he slowly kissed me. This kiss being much different than our past kisses. It was much slower and full of passion. I sensed a hint of sadness in the kiss too. When he pulled away he looked sad as he bit down on his bottom lip.

"What's wrong cupcake?" I asked smiling.

"I'm gonna miss doing that whenever I want." he said in such a sad voice.

"Huh? Oh, today is the day isn't it?" I asked confused at first.

"Yeah." he replied slow and sad.


"Yeah?" he said.

"Please let's try not to be sad? Let's enjoy what time we have left together." I told him.

He quickly smiled and pulled me in for another long, slow kiss. I liked when he kissed me like this. I could tell he never wanted it to end.

Then the door opened, neither of us hearing it.

"ALRIGHT NOW! YOU LOVE BIRDS!" Calum shouted, laughing afterwards.

We both jumped from Calum scaring us.

"Are you guys okay?" Calum asked.

"You just scared us. We didn't hear the door open." I explained.

"Well Michael, we need to start putting the bags in the car. Where are yours? I'll bring them down for you." Calum smiled as he drew a heart in the air around mine and Michael's heads obviously wanting to give us as much time as possible alone together.

"They're over there." Michael said pointing to his bags.

Calum picked up the 2 bags and quickly left the room. After Calum left, Michael pulled me in closer. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other around my shoulders, and he kissed me again. We kissed slowly for a while. I'm really not sure how long it lasted, but I'm pretty sure neither of us wanted it to end. I finally pulled away and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and make up, and changed clothes. When I came back I found Michael again blowing up my phone with selfies. I laughed as I watched him make the cutest faces, most people would say they looked disturbing, but I found every face Michael did cute and adorable. He finally looked over at me smiling at him, most likely realizing I had been watching him for a while.

"Come take some me." he said, patting the bed, signaling for me to sit beside him.

I walked over and sat beside him as we made goofy and weird faces together. After a few we kissed. And even while we kissed Michael continued to take pictures of us. I think those were some of my favorite pictures. We soon heard a soft knock on the door and then saw Luke, Ashton, and Calum walk in, looking sad.

"Is it time?" I asked sadly.

They all shook their head yes as I gathered my things. We all walked down stairs. Calum drove Michael and I back to my hotel to get the rest of my things. I checked out of my room and then Michael and I drove to the airport in my car. I went through security so I could be with Michael until his flight left. I wanted to be with him every second that I could. It was coming to the last few seconds that I could be with Michael. I couldn't help but let the tears I had been holding back all morning finally slip from my eyes. When he saw the tears he didn't say a word, he just pulled me in close. My face in his chest as my tears and running make up stained his shirt. Neither of us cared though, when the tears started to slow he tilted my head up so I was looking up at him, he wiped my tears away, fixing my make up and pulled me in really close.

"I love you, princess." He whispered against my lips before he kissed me. This was the best kiss yet. It was the slowest and most passionate of all the ones we had shared in the past. I never wanted this moment to end. His arms tightened around me, pulling me as close as possible to him as I ran my fingers through his now red hair.

Then we heard a voice come through the speaker letting us know that a flight was boarding. It was Michael's flight. I had one final tear slip from my eye as one slipped from Michael's as well.

We kissed one final time.

"I can't wait to see you again, sweetie." I whispered against his lips.

"Princess, I'm going to call you as soon as we get the hotel we're staying at in Dallas." he said before he left.

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