16-Friends and Facetime

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"So you're really ignoring pizza for me?" I asked kind of confused.

"I would much rather talk to you, Princess. I can eat pizza anytime." Michael said chirpily.

I couldn't stop smiling. Michael just made me so happy. Happier than I had ever been. I am so glad I got lost that night at the concert and he ran into me.

"Princess?" Michael said.

"Huh? W-what?" I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." I said smiling.

"What's on your mind?" he asked biting his lip.

"Ahh, don't do that!" I said smiling.

"Do what?" Michael asked confused.

"Don't bite your lip like that. It's just too cute, and it kind of turns me on." I explained to Michael as I could feel my cheeks turning pink.

"Aww, I'm sorry sweetie." Michael said slightly chuckling. "So watcha thinking about?"

"I was just thinking about you." I said.

"What about me?" Michael asked curiously.

"I was just thinking about how happy you make me. And how glad I am that I got lost that night at the concert and you ran into me, and how caring you were about it. Most people would have just kept running, but you stopped to make sure I was alright and even though I told you I was fine you brought me back with you." I said. I couldn't stop smiling as I told the memory.

Michael smiled as well.

"You wanna know what was honestly going through my head at that moment?" he asked smirking.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I was thinking gosh I really hope I lose this crowd, then I ran into you and landed on you. And as you were yelling at me I couldn't help but think this girl is so beautiful and I have gotta date her or get her number, or at least find out her name." He talked about his thoughts so passionately. I just couldn't help but smile.

"Well only 4 more weeks until you're the Birthday Princess." Michael said smiling cheekily.

"And until I get to see you again." I said smiling bigger.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Michael asked.

I just kind of laughed.

"What's so funny?" Michael asked kind of confused.

"Well I used to always tell people that I just wanted you for my birthday, but now I have you." I said laughing.

"Oh." Michael started laughing as well. "So what do you want that you don't have?"

"Oh, um, I don't know. Just surprise me I guess." I said smiling.

"Challenge accepted." Michael said in a nerdy voice.

"What?" I said laughing.

"I have accepted the challenge to surprise you with the best birthday present ever!" Michael said practically screaming.

"I love you, cupcake." I said smiling.

"I love you too, Princess." Michael said.

Then I heard a knock on my door.

"What was that?" Michael asked.

"Someone is at my door, but I'm not expecting anybody." I said in a nervous voice.

"Well go answer it, I'll wait." Michael said smiling.

I walked to the door and opened it to find my friend, Amy.

"Come in, Amy." I said quietly smiling.

"Well who is it?" Michael yelled.

I giggled. "It's my friend, Amy." Moving my phone so she was in the frame.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S MICHAEL! SO THE RUMORS ARE TRUE!" Amy screamed at the top of her lungs.

I grabbed Amy's arm and walked her to the couch.

"Oh my hood! Calum down, Amy!" I said laughing.

"What was that you just said?" Michael asked laughing.

"Oh my hood? You've heard me say that like a million times." I said confused.

"No, the other part." Michael said.

"Other part?" I asked confused.

"You said Calum down!" Amy yelled much quieter.

"I did?" I asked laughing at myself.

"Yea, I guess you didn't realize you said that?" Michael asked laughing.

"So how many Calum phrases do you actually say?" Michael said still laughing as a door opened.

"What? She has another one?" Calum asked.

Gosh, Calum must have like a sixth sense about when I mention his name or something.

"Calum, do you have like a sixth sense or something?" I asked.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Everytime I mention your name you just happen to pop in the room." I said laughing.

"Oh, no. Erm I just like to come annoy Michael sometimes." Calum said laughing.

I laughed at Calum.

"So what did you say and who is your friend?" Calum asked.

"Well my friend Amy here was totally freaking out with her fangirling so I told her to Calum down. That's just kind of what we say instead of calm down" I said laughing.

Calum laughed too.

"Um, is she okay?" Calum asked referring to Amy.

I looked over at Amy who was waving her arms in front of her face like she was fanning herself.

"Amy, Calum down!" I said. Calum laughing again.

"She's fine Cal, that's just her fangirling. I'm gonna go get her some water though." I said laughing as I got up to get Amy a glass of water. When I was gone I could still hear everything. As I opened the fridge I heard Michael's door open again.

"Hey Sh-- wait who is that Michael?" I heard Luke say. I laughed.

"This is Shawna's friend Amy. Shawna went to go get her some water." Michael explained.

"Oh hey Amy." Luke said and waved. As I walked back in the room I saw Amy practically faint.

"Whoa, is she okay?" Luke asked.

"Yea, she's like in love with you." i explained to Luke.

"Here Amy." I gave her the water and she drank it.

"Hey Luke, hey Calum." Amy finally got words out.

We all just kind of laughed.

"So where's Ashton? He think y'all are doing a group cuddle or something?" I asked laughing.

They all laughed as well.

"Hmm, I'm really not sure." Calum said as he left the room.

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