38-Let's Party

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"You look so gorgeous baby." Michael said to Shawna before kissing her.

"Are you guys ready?" She said as her parents stood up and nodded their heads. I walked them to the door.

"You guys have fun." I shouted before closing the door as Calum and Ashton stared at me.

"What?" I said.

"What did she need to talk to you about for so long?" Ashton asked.

"I can't say. She doesn't want anyone to know yet."

"What about if Michael asks?" Cal said.

"I really hate having to lie to him but I promised Shawna. She said to tell him we were discussing plans for his birthday in a few weeks. " I said as they just stared at me. "C'mon guys. We gotta get dressed." I said walking to Ashton's bathroom and grabbing my suit. I quickly put it on. I walked back to the living room where Ashton and Calum were still standing, talking.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah, Ashton?" I could tell he was scared.

"There's nothing going on between you and Shawna, right? You're just mates?" Ashton asked. I could see pain in both of their eyes.

"Of course! I could never do that to Michael." I sat on the couch with my elbows pressed against my knees and held my head in my hands. I just felt like shit that they thought I could do that to Michael. I really wish I could just tell them but I promised Shawna. I felt Calum's arms wrap around me.

"You promised Shawna you would keep it a secret didn't you?" I wrapped my arms around him and nodded my head. He could tell it was hard for me not to talk about it. Ashton left and went to put his suit on.

"Is it something bad?" I nodded my head.

"Calum it's terrible. I wanted to cry when she told me."

"She's not going to break up with Michael, is she?"

"OH NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NOO!" I said in a horrified tone.

"Okay good." Calum said as Ashton came back in the room.

"Cal, you better get dressed. People will be here soon." Ashton said as someone knocked on the door.

"Told you!" Ashton laughed as he answered the door and let Amy in.


"Sorry, I was talking to Lukey. I'm going now." Calum said walking to the bathroom. A few guests arrived while Calum was changing. I walked with them to the back where we were having the party. Calum shortly joined us as Amy ran to the back yard.
"Guys she's here!" Amy screamed turning off the lights as I turned off the music. A few moments later I saw Michael leading Shawna outside with his hands covering her eyes. He removed his hands as Amy turned on the lights.
"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted. She held her hands up covering her mouth the way girls always did when surprised. I turned the radio back on and walked over to them.
"So what do you think?" I asked smiling.
"Oh guys it's amazing!" She said smiling bigger than ever.

I walked over to Shawna and hugged her.
"Happy birth-- woah!" my jaw dropped.
"Calum? What's wrong?" She asked worried.
"Wh-who is that?" I asked pointing at a girl and Ashton's jaw dropped as well when he saw her friend.
"OH MY HOOD!" she screamed and ran towards the girls almost tackling them to the ground.
"Who are they?" I asked looking at Michael and Amy.
"I don't know." they said simultaneously.
Amy left to talk to some other guests as Michael, Ashton, and I walked over to Shawna and the two beautiful girls.
"Baby who is this?" Michael asked smiling.
"Oh this is Kendra and that's Cindy." she said pointing to each girl as they squealed. I assumed they were fans.
"Hi, I'm C--"
"I know who you are! God you're even more gorgeous in person." Kendra said cutting me off as I blushed. She then covered her mouth as if she regretted what she had said. Shawna laughed.
"Kendra and Cindy are huge fans."
"Well hello girls." Ashton said flashing a cheeky grin, showing off his dimples, making Cindy practically melt.
"So how did you girls meet?" Michael asked. Shawna turned super red.
"Shawna?" I said smirking.
"So I've never told you guys but I kind of run an Instagram fan page for you guys." Shawna said as Ashton laughed.
"You what?"
"I still do run the page..... but anyways one night we were doing group ships and we just met in the group and we've been best friends ever since! But this is the first time we've ever really met in person." Shawna said smiling at the girls.
"Aww that's cute!" Michael exclaimed.
Then Shawna's mum came up and stole her as Michael followed which left me and Ashton alone with Kendra and Cindy. I could tell Ashton thought Cindy was pretty just by the way he smiled at her, which was good because I fancy Kendra. Ashton snuck Cindy away leaving me alone with Kendra, which I didn't mind.
"So you wanna go somewhere quieter? Where we can just talk?" I nervously asked smiling.
"Sure." she said smirking. I took her hand and lead her over towards the corner of the back yard. We sat under a tree, looking up at the stars and talking. A small breeze came along and she crossed her arms. I took off the jacket from my suit and draped it around her shoulders.
"Thanks" she said looking up at me and smiling. We sat talking for hours and she seemed like an amazing girl and she was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I could hear the party calming down but I was too content with just talking to this beautiful girl.

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