39-So You Wanna Fight?

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This party was amazing. Mom and Michael really did a great job of putting it all together and inviting everyone.

Then I saw him. The one guy I never wanted to see again in my life. My eyes got really big and a scared expression spread across my face as I dropped my drink. Michael quickly turned toward me.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked worried.

"Wh-where's Luke?" I said my voice very shaky.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I NEED TO TALK TO LUKE!" I shouted drawing everyone's attention towards me but I didn't care. A moment later Luke ran up to me.

"I heard you scream. Shawna what's wrong?" Luke said.

"Luke, I need to talk to you alone." I said dragging him into the house and closing the door behind us. There were a few people standing around so I walked to the room Luke was staying in as he followed me and closed the door.

I just collapsed on Luke and started crying as he wrapped his long arms around me.

"Shawna what's wrong?"

"Luke, he's here!" I said scared

"Who is?"

"Luke my mom doesn't know about it and invited the guy that raped me!" I said crying harder and Luke held me tighter and whispered in my ear "Shawna don't worry. I won't let him do it again. Just point him out and I'll kick his ass right now." Luke said which made me feel a little better. I honestly loved having Luke around. He was like the big brother I never had.

Just then the door opened but Luke wouldn't let me go. He just held me close while I cried in his chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thought this was the bathroom." I heard a guy say. I recognized the voice. I pulled away from Luke just enough to see the guy. Luke never looked at him though, he kept his focus on my face.

"Oh hey." the guy said smirking and walked to me. "Hmm I haven't seen you in a while sexy." he said placing a hand on my hip attempting to pull me into his arms. He failed to do so, Luke tightened his arms around me.

"Who is this?" Luke said through grit teeth.

"Oh sweetie. You haven't told him about me?" the guy said smirking and once again trying to pull me out of Luke's grasp. I pulled away.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Tony!" I snapped at him.

"Aw don't act like that. Remember how much fun we had last time we saw each other?"

Luke could tell the guy was bothering me.

"Fuck off dude!" Luke shouted.

"That's the guy." I whispered in Luke's ear. I could feel his fists clench up. He pushed me onto the bed. I knew Luke was probably about to beat Tony's ass and I wasn't even going to try and stop him. I could see anger in Luke's eyes.

"So you like it when he pushes you onto the bed? You hated when I did it." Tony said leaning against the door frame as Luke took the jacket from his suit off and walked towards him. Luke punched him square in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"What the fuck was that for?" He screamed.

"You fucking know what that was for!" Luke shouted aggressively.

Tony got back up and hit Luke in the chest.

I could tell Luke was truly pissed off and about to lose control. Luke laughed at his baby punch. It probably didn't even hurt Luke. Luke pinned him against the wall in the hall and punched him hard again, giving him a bloody nose as a kid opened the back door yelling "FIGHT!" Everyone rushed in to see the fight. I stood at the door watching and crying. Crying tears of happiness. Tony finally got what he deserved.

Luke had him on the ground, Tony couldn't move and Luke was just steadily punching him. Then 3 guys ran to the front of the crowd. It was Michael, Ashton, and Calum. Michael ran to me and held me tight in his arms as Ashton and Calum pulled Luke off of Tony. Luke was still trying to punch but Calum and Ashton held his arms back. They forced him into the room with me and Michael. Luke sat on the bed and tried to catch his breath. From what I saw on Luke, he just had bloody knuckles but Tony definitely had a broken nose and jaw, possibly a broken arm, and was missing a few teeth.

"What happened?" Ashton asked confused while closing the door.

"It's up to Shawna. If she wants to tell you." Luke said finally catching his breath.

"Baby what is he talking about?" Michael asked. I sat on the bed next to Luke and took a deep breath.

"There's something no one knows about me except for Luke...."

Ashton, Michael, and Calum just stared at me. Luke grabbed my hand and held it tight, sort of urging me to tell them. I took another deep breath.

"About a week before I met you guys I was raped. That is what Luke and I were talking about earlier before dinner."

Michael rushed over to me, holding me as tight as he could. Michael, Calum, and Ashton had all begun to cry.

"Luke who was the guy in the hall and why were you fighting him?" Calum asked.

"He's the one who raped her. I was just giving him what he deserved." Luke said the way a cocky older brother would have said.

"Baby why didn't you tell me?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. I was really scared to tell anybody really. Luke is honestly the first person I told. My parents don't even know." it probably made Michael feel like shit. I just basically said I trust Luke more with something really personal.

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