54- Cold Feet?

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Today was finally the day. After a year of planning I'm finally getting to marry my best friend.
It was one hour until the wedding. I was getting nervous. The thought of standing in front of everyone was nerve wracking. Of course I loved Michael and wanted to marry him.
My breathing got heavy. I wanted to leave. I began to get dizzy and couldn't breathe. It was happening again. The panic attacks were back. I tried to get up and fell to the floor.
I heard the door knob start to turn and looked up to see Luke.
"Are you okay? I was walking by and heard a loud bang and wanted to make sure you were okay." Luke said as he helped me up.
"L-Luke... I-I can't do th-this." My voice was shaky.
"Relax. You're just getting cold feet." He said guiding me to the bed.
"No, Luke. I can't. This is too much. I can't take everyone staring at me. What if someone objects? What if I fall in front of everyone and totally embarrass myself? Oh my god! Is it too soon? Luke what if it doesn't work out? I can't take it." I started to cry and hyperventilate.
"Whoa Shawna. Whoa whoa. Calm down!" He took my hands in his. "Look at me. We both know you love Michael more than anything on this planet and he loves you the same. I know everyone staring is a scary thought. I thought the same before our first show. Just don't pay attention to all the people. Just look at Michael. Focus on the big, stupid smile he's gonna have on his face when he sees you. No one is going to object. The only person who would possibly object is Evan or Troy and we have done everything to make sure neither of them get in. There's security at every entrance. As for falling, I seriously doubt that'll happen. I've seen you, I really don't know how you walk so well in those shoes or even run in them but damn." I laughed at him a little. "There's that laugh and smile. Trust me it'll work out. I've never seen a couple more perfect than you and Michael."
I hugged Luke super tight, probably suffocating him.
"Thank you so much Luke! I could never thank you enough for everything you have helped me with. You really are like my big brother now and I can tell you anything. I love you Luke." I said as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you too Shawna. Now c'mon there's only 20 minutes until the wedding and your make up needs to be redone." Luke said standing up. He helped me fix my make up and then it was time. My dad came in to get us.
"THERE YOU ARE LUKE!" My dad screamed.
"Sorry I was--" Luke was cut off.
"Oh baby! You look so beautiful princess!" My dad said staring at me.
"Sorry dad. Luke missing was my fault." I said.
"I heard a loud bang so I came to make sure she was okay and stayed because she needed someone to talk to." Luke said.
"Are you okay sweetie?" Dad asked giving me a worried look.
"I'm fine now daddy. Luke really helped like he always does." I said smiling.
"LUKE! SHAWNA! STOP JUST STANDING THERE! ITS TIME!" Calum came in shouting and dragging us out. Calum drug us to the ballroom and released his grasp on our arms.
Calum walked in and joined Ashton next to Michael where the groomsmen were to stand. I took a deep breath.
"Relax." Luke said before walking in to join the others. It was finally time. My dad took my arm in his and we heard Here Comes The Bride start to play on a guitar. Everyone told us it should have been played on a piano, but I loved Michael's idea of having it played on a guitar. It was more our style.
The doors opened and everyone stood up to look at the entrance as my dad guided me through. My chest was pounding with each step we took as everyone watched us. I looked up to see Luke motioning his head towards Michael reminding me to focus on him.
I looked over to Michael and Luke was right. I've never seen Michael smile so big. Just seeing his smile made everything instantly better. We finally reached the front and my dad released my arm and sat down along with everyone else.
"Is there anyone who objects?" The reverend asked.
My heart started pounding. I saw Luke over Michael's shoulder giving me a reassuring smile as no one stood up.
Michael took my hands in his as we each read our vows. I couldn't stop smiling because he just made me so happy.
"I, Shawna, take you, Michael, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
"I, Michael, take you, Shawna, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
We each said while placing a ring on the other's hand.
"By the authority vested in me by the State of Texas I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. You may kiss the bride." The reverend said. Our lips met and I was just so happy. Michael was finally my husband.

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