52-The Drive Home

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As we drove home I studied his face. He had a small smile, but also he looked tense and as if he was focused on something the whole drive. He occasionally bit his lip as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself. I held his hand running my thumb over his knuckles in attempt to try to relax him enough to talk. I always knew Calum had wanted to but I had always been nervous. I usually stopped him when he tried to take my clothes off. But tonight, it was sexy the way he got so jealous of that waiter and wanted me right then and there. I wasn't nervous and I didn't regret anything while we were having sex but now as we sat in an awful, uncomfortable silence I was starting to regret it all.
I was lost in thought when I felt Calum's lips upon mine. I freaked out not realizing we weren't moving.
"It's okay Kendra. Boo, we're at a stop sign. And I just had to kiss you." Calum said trying to calm me down. I took a look around. We were almost back to the house.
"Yeah boo?" He said smiling at me.
"Why have you been so quiet the whole ride?" I asked kind of nervous about his answer.
"I don't know. I guess I didn't know what to say." He said quietly.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused and he sighed as if he was about to say something difficult.
"You know that wasn't my first time, right baby?"
"Yeah I know Calum."
"Well baby, the other girls," he paused and took another deep breath. "They meant nothing to me. Just one night stands." As he talked I began to grow nervous of what he was going to say. "But Kendra, baby you're not like those other girls. I love you and you're amazing and crazy and you are entirely too beautiful to be with me."
"You what?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway. He parked the car and then brushed my hair out of my face and stared into my eyes.
"Kendra, I love you."
"Calum, you've never said that to me."
"I've never said it to anyone. But I mean it." He said before kissing me. His lips were so soft against mine. He pulled me into his lap kissing me passionately. He pulled away smiling.
"I love you too Calum."
He smiled even bigger.
We got out of the car and walked into the house.
"Oh look! There's the love birds!" Ashton shouted as soon as we walked through the door.
"WOAH!" Shawna, Cindy, and Amy simultaneously shouted. I shot them a scared look as they drug me into Shawna's room.
"Kendra did you guys?" Cindy asked. I nodded my head automatically knowing what she meant.
"OH MY GOD!" They all simultaneously shouted. We could hear the guys yelling and cheering in the living room.
"Well I guess it's not much of a secret." I giggled.
"So you guys just fucked in the car?" Amy asked bluntly.
"It started in the restaurant. The waiter kept flirting with me which made Calum super jealous. Calum started making out with me and tried to unzip my dress when the waiter walked by. Then when we were leaving the waiter grabbed my hand and it just kind of sent Calum overboard. He rushed me to the car and began making out and it just kind of escalated from there." I explained. "But how could you tell?"
"Shrimp, look at your hair!" Shawna giggled turning me towards the mirror.
"Oh god!" I laughed at my horrible sex hair and pulled it up into a ponytail.
We all got changed into some comfy clothes and went back to the living room. The guys were all spread out playing Fifa. Ashton and Luke we're currently playing each other. I walked over cuddled up next to Calum. He was stretched out along the couch as I laid beside him and he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.
"I love when you wear my shirts baby. It so cute the way they hang off of you and cover most of your body." He kissed my temple afterwards. As I watched all the guys taking turns playing the games and the girls playing a few games I began to drift off to sleep.

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