31-The Worries

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"So where are we going?" Shawna asked. She couldn't stop smiling. It was so cute. I just smirked at her for a moment.
"It's a surprise." I said as I walked to the bedroom to get some clothes. Shawna followed me.
"Why can't you tell me?" Shawna whined.
I grabbed some nice pants and a button up shirt.
"It's a surprise but trust me you'll love it. Now get dressed." I said as I started towards the bathroom to change.
"But how am I supposed to get dressed if I don't know where we're going?" She groaned.
"Just wear a dress or something nice." I said smiling and leaving the room. I quickly changed and then joined the guys in the living room as Shawna got ready.
"Where's Cal and Ash?" I asked.
"They're in the back. They went for a swim." Luke explained.
"Oh okay." I said as I sat on the couch with Luke.
"So where are you taking her?" Luke said quietly so Shawna wouldn't hear.
"I'm bringing her to a really nice Italian restaurant in town. Italian is her favorite." I said quietly while smiling.
"Awe." Luke said smiling.
"Hey Luke?"
"Thanks for everything. I'm glad you suggested this. I'm really excited about it." I said.
"You're nervous too, aren't you?" Luke
"Yeah. I can never hide anything from you."
"What are you so nervous about?" Luke questioned.
"I don't know. I guess since she doesn't remember much I'm just nervous about everything. Like what if I do the wrong thing and she just decides she never wants to see me again because of it? Or what if her memory never completely comes back? Or what if something happens while we're gone and she forgets more?"
"Michael! Michael! Man, you gotta calm down. None of that is going to happen. She's going to remember you. It just might take some time. But trust me. She'll remember how amazing you are. I never told you this, but Shawna and I talked A LOT before we came for this visit. She could never shut up about how amazing you are and what a wonderful boyfriend you are. She told me she's never had anyone treat her as great as you do. She even called you the perfect boyfriend!"
"Stop lying to make me feel better Luke." I said as I looked down and put my head in my hands. Luke reached into his pocket and looked for something on his phone.
"Look Michael, it's all right here." Luke said as he handed me his phone. I looked through all of the texts and he was right. Literally all they ever talked about was me and cats. Sometimes even how I'm like a cat.
I looked back at Luke and smiled.
"Now follow me." Luke said dragging me to the bathroom and making me sit on the toilet.
"Your hair is a complete mess!" Luke said as he grabbed a brush and began to play hair dresser. When he finished I stood up and looked in the mirror.
"I don't know what I would do without you Luke!" I said giving him a hug.
"Well what are best friends for?" He said smiling. I smiled as well.
"So when are you leaving?" he asked.
"Whenever she's ready. It'll probably be a while tho. It takes her forever to decide what to wear and she also has to do her hair and makeup." I said.
"It's so cute when you talk about her." He said smiling.
"What do you mean?"
"Your eyes light up and you can't stop smiling. I can just tell she really makes you happy. And I'm happy to see you happy." Luke explained. I just smiled because it was all true.
"You wanna play Fifa while she gets ready?" Luke said.
"Yes. Hopefully it'll calm me a bit." I said walking back to the living room. We were being really competitive by game #3. Even did a bit of trash talk. In the middle of the game someone walked in front of the tv. I began to yell but when I realized it was Shawna I couldn't. I looked at her and my jaw just dropped. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing a dress that I bought her. She had never worn it before. She always said it made her feel insecure because it was a bit tight in some areas. I was beyond happy to see her finally wearing it. It looked gorgeous on her.

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