37-Surprise Luke!

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"Hey baby, your parents are going to be here soon. You should get ready." I said.

"Okay sweetie." she said placing a kiss upon my lips and then walked into her room to primp. I walked to the bathroom in the room Ashton was staying in a grabbed my suit from the door hook. Me and the guys hid our suits in Ashton's bathroom because it was the one room in the house Shawna was least likely to walk into. I put my suit on and as usual had Luke tie the tie for me. I'll learn how to do it one day. I walked back out into the living room waiting for Shawna. I was sitting talking to the guys on the couch when there was a knock on the door. Calum was closest so he answered the door and let Shawna's parents in. I got up and hugged her mum and shook her dad's hand before introducing them to the rest of the band. They sat talking to the guys as I snuck back to Shawna's room and knocked on her door.

"Sweetie your parents are here." I said loudly so she could hear me over the music I could hear her listening to. I heard her walk to the door and she peeked just her eyes out of the door.

"Can you send Luke in?" she asked.

"Sure thing sweetie. And your makeup looks great, even though you don't need it." I said smiling and walking back to the living room.


"Hey Luke, the birthday princess wants to see you." Michael said laughing. I got up and walked to Shawna's room as Michael sat where I was and began talking to everyone. I knocked on her door.


She came and opened the door dragging me in the room and closing the door behind me. I sat on the bed as she nervously paced back and forth.

"Woah Shawna! You look AMAZING!"

She smiled for like half a second before a worried expression consumed her face again. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed next to me as I looked deep into her big blue eyes.

"Shawna, what's wrong? Why did you need me?" I asked worried and confused.

"Luke I feel like you're the only one I can talk to about this..."

I could tell whatever she was about to say was very difficult to talk about, I wrapped my arms around her holding her tight and she laid her head over my shoulder. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"This stays just between us, right Luke? You won't even tell Michael?" she said in a scared tone. What would she tell me but hide from Michael?

"Of course Shawna. I won't tell anybody." I said. She took another deep breath.

"You know how I was Michael's first?"

"First what?" I asked not exactly sure what she was talking about.

"The first girl he had sex with?"

"Yeah." I said still a bit confused where she was going.

"Luke, he wasn't my first.."

"Yeah, Michael told me you had done it before." She had begun to cry. "Why are you crying?" she pulled away out of my embrace and looked me in the eyes.

"Luke, this has really been bothering me lately. I've never told anyone this, not even my parents or Amy. Luke, you're the only one I trust telling this to.." She had me kind of scared as to what she was about to say. What could possibly be so terrible she would hide it from Michael, her family, and Amy? She took another deep breath, this one longer and deeper than the ones before.

"I was at a party about a week before I met you guys and this guy talked me into going alone with him and he forced himself on me. Luke, he raped me." I couldn't believe the words I had just heard. As she began to cry really hard I held her as tight as I could. I tried my best to make her feel safe. Once she calmed down enough to talk again she looked at me.

"Recently he's started calling me and won't stop. I usually just don't answer. But he called while I was getting ready and I answered trying to tell him to leave me alone. But Luke...."

"What did that jerk say? I asked. This was just all so surprising.

"He said that if I didn't leave Michael he was going to hurt Michael and you guys. And Luke I can't let anything happen to any of you guys. Michael is the love of my life and you, Calum, and Ashton are like my brothers. And...." She started to cry again. I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Don't worry Shawna. Tomorrow I'm going to go and give this asswipe a piece of my mind. You never take advantage of a girl like that. I'm gonna put a stop to this. Nothing is gonna happen to Michael." She held me tighter.

"Thanks Luke." I stood up and took her hand leading her to where she did her makeup and handed her a wipe.

"C'mon, princesses don't cry." I said. She wiped all of her make up off and quickly redid it as we heard a knock on the door.

"Baby we're gonna be late. Is everything okay?" Michael said.

"She'll be right out." I said. "So what do you want me to say if he asks what we were talking about?"

"Until I'm ready to tell him just say we were making plans for his birthday, it'll be here soon." She said finishing her makeup and I nodded my head.

"How does this look?" she asked pointing to her makeup.

"Can't even tell you were crying." I said hugging her one more time before walking back out to the living room as Shawna followed me.

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