45-Lukey Is Home

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"So do you know how you're gonna ask her?" Luke asked.
"I really don't know yet, I know what I wanna say. I just don't know where but I'll think of something."
We got in the car.
"Ohh wait!"
"Ooh Lukey has a plan?"
"We can get everyone out of the house for the night and you can cook her a romantic meal and have it on the deck under the stars. When she's not looking you could hide the ring in her glass of champagne and when she finds it then you can propose!" Luke shouted excitedly.
He smiled really big as we drove home.

We got back to Shawna's house and walked in the house. I immediately hopped to the couch and threw my crutches to the floor.
"God those are so uncomfortable!" I yelled as Michael laughed. "How much longer do I have to wear these stupid casts?"
"A few more months." Michael said walking to the kitchen "You want something to drink?" he asked.
"Grab me a sprite please." I yelled as Ashton and Calum ran into the room.
"Oh my god! It is Luke!" Calum shouted and jumped on me.
"Ouch!" I screamed as Calum landed on my arm.
"Sorry Luke. I just missed you." I said as Ashton sat beside me and they both hugged me.
"Wait guys let's make a keek!" Ashton squealed pulling out his phone.
"Hey guys! Look who's finally awake!" Ash yelled pointing the camera at me and I waved my arm that wasn't broken.
"Hey guys! I'm so sorry about the last 2 months. I love you guys!"
"We're all so glad to have you back Luke!" Calum screamed.
"Hopefully we'll be working on some new stuff soon!" Michael shouted. Ending the keek.
"So where's Shawna and who was the girl with her earlier?" I asked still kind of confused.
"That's Kendra. She's my girlfriend and they were having a girl's day." Calum said smiling.
"Have I met her before? She looked familiar."
"Yeah, she was at Shawna's birthday." Michael said.
"Wait. Everything is coming back now. I remember."
"Remember what?" Ashton asked.
"Okay yeah. It was the day after the party. I left Michael and Shawna sipping coffee on the porch and went jogging so I wouldn't blurt anything out about the proposal--"
"PROPOSAL!?" Ashton and Calum shouted simultaneously as Michael turned red.
"Wait you didn't tell them?!"
"Luke, you and my mum are the not ones I've told. But yeah. I'm going to ask her to marry me." Michael said smiling.
Calum and Ashton smiled and hugged Michael.
"So Luke continue." Michael said.
"Anyways I didn't wanna say anything about the proposal so I went for a jog. I was jogging and went to changed the song playing on my phone and wasn't watching where I was going and got hit by a car doing the same. Next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital."

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