29-The Memories

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"Wh-what?" Michael stuttered confused. I could tell he was about to cry.

"Guys why are you all acting so weird? Luke and I have been dating for 2 years." Shawna said as Michael started crying.

"What's wrong Michael?" Shawna asked confused.

"You're not dating Luke!" Calum shouted.

"I always knew you were jealous." Shawna scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Shawna, he's right. We've never dated. You and Michael have been dating for the last month." I said as blunt as possible.

"What? Lukey stop playing." Shawna said, her smile fading.

"I'm not joking. Shawna look at him. You mean the world to him and the fact that you don't remember is killing him." I said.

Michael was a wreck. He ran out of the room, balling. I quickly ran after him.

"Michael stop!" I yelled after him.

I finally caught him.


"I know what you're thinking Michael." I hugged him as tight as I could as he cried into my chest. "She'll remember you. She's got to. And don't worry. I know how much she means to you, and I would never try anything. She belongs with you. Not me."

Ashton came running down the hall and when he finally found us he leaned over, placing his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath again.

"What's wrong Ashton?" I asked.


I released him from my grasp and he ran back to Shawna's room as Calum joined me and Ash.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Nothing." Calum said.

"Why does Shawna need Michael so quickly?" I asked.

"She doesn't. We figured maybe if we leave them alone together for a bit maybe she'll remember what they had." Ashton explained.

"Oh that's a good idea!" I shouted.

"So now what?" Ashton asked.

"Let's walk back but sit outside of the room." I suggested.

And we all walked back, taking a few empty seats by Shawna's room.


*Michael's POV*

I ran back to Shawna's room and opened the door. I quickly walked in and ran to her side.

"Is everything okay Princess? The guys said you need me quickly." I said.

"Princess? That's what Luke calls me!" She said smiling really big.

It honestly killed me to see how happy she was when she talked about Luke.

"No sweetie. Luke has never called you princess. That's what I call you. And you always smile and your eyes twinkle when I call you that. And you always call me cupcake." I said as I sadly looked out the hospital window.

"If you're my boyfriend how come I don't remember it? How come I remember Luke being my boyfriend?" She asked.

"I just don't know. " I said confused.

Just then the door opened and a nurse came in.

"Well I see someone is awake. How are you feeling dear?" she asked.

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