14-The First Facetime

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After Michael left I just sat watching out the window, until I finally saw his plane take off. More tears fell from my eyes as I saw it leave. I stood there crying for a few minutes until the tears stopped, then I slowly made my way out of the airport and back to my car. I usually drove a little too fast but this time I took my time getting home. The trip usually took an hour but this time it took me an extra half hour. I took my time gathering things out of my car and bringing them in. I finally let Gordon out of his kennel and he ran all around the house exploring the new surroundings as I just walked to my bed collapsing. I tried turning on the radio to put me in a happier mood. But first 3,000 miles by Emblem3 came on causing more sadness as it just made me think more about how far Michael was always going to be from me, then it played kiss me kiss me kiss me, the song that Michael had sang to me the night we met. It made me cry more. Afterwards I turned the radio off and unpacked my things trying not to think of Michael. When I finished I slowly walked back to my bed and checked my phone, before I could check it, it started to ring. It was someone trying to facetime me. I picked it up to see Michael's adorable face. I quickly hit answer, smiling really big.

"HEY PRINCESS!" Michael yelled.

"Hey cupcake!" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you okay, Princess? Your eyes look really red and puffy." Michael asked concerned.

I sighed, "Yea...I've just kind of been crying a lot."

"Aww, why" Michael asked frowning.

"All I can think about is you." I said sadly.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll be back to see you before you know it." he said smiling.

"I know, but it just seems like forever away and everything reminds me of you." I said as my voice started to break.

"Baby, I love you and I know we're going to make this work. I believe in us and oh my gosh I wish I was there with you right now. Just to kiss your soft sweet lips and feel your warm embrace as you run your fingers through my hair and smile through the kiss." Michael said. His smile got bigger as he talked about me.

I heard a door open on Michael's end.

"Hey Mike!" I heard a voice and instantly recognized it.

"Hey Ashton!" I yelled.

Ashton walked into the frame where I could see him.

"Oh you're finally getting to talk to her?" Ash asked Michael.

"What?" I said confused.

"You're ALLL he's talked about since we left." Ashton said giggling. 'I just wanna talk to her. I can't wait to see her beautiful face again. I wish she could have come with us.' Ashton mimicked Michael.

Michael started to blush.

"Awe Michael." I cooed.

Causing Michael to blush more.

"Well I'll come back later, Mike." Ashton said before leaving.

"Please keep that smile on your face." Michael said smirking.

"I'll try. I just miss you so much already and we've only been apart for 2 hours. I don't know how I'll make it until you come back. When is that again?" I said.

"I'll be back just in time for your birthday." he said smiling.

"Oh right." I said smiling.

A moment of silence passed, but it was a comfortable silence.

"I really can't wait for my birthday!" I practically screamed.

"I know Princess, and I've already got something planned for us." he said smirking.

"Oh my hood! What is it?" I said still practically screaming as I heard the door on Michael's end open again, this time followed by laughter.

"What did she just say?" I recognized this voice as well, Cal. As he walked into frame.

"What?" Michael said.

"What did you just say, Shawna?" Calum asked while doing a cheeky smile.

"Oh um, you heard me?" I asked blushing. Knowing exactly which part of my statement he was referring to.

"Yea, what did you say tho?" Calum asked laughing trying to get me to say it again.

"Um, I said Oh my hood." I said softly.

"That's a new one." Calum said laughing.

"She says it on a regular basis, isn't it cute, Cal?" Michael asked elbowing Calum's arm.

"Uh huh." Calum said winking at me.

"Hey dude, don't be winking at my girl!" Michael snapped jokingly.

"Oh my bad." Calum said pushing Michael.

"So what's up Cal?" I asked.

"Well it's almost time for rehearsal." Calum said obviously trying to give Michael a hint.

"Ohh..." Michael and I both said simultaneously in a sad voice.

Calum left the room.

"Princess, I'll call you back as soon as I can." Michael said half smiling.

"Okay." I said smiling.

I just couldn't help but smile when he called me Princess. He could say I hate your guts Princess and I'd probably still smile. Just the way he says it makes me feel butterflies.

"I love you." Michael said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I love you too cupcake. Bye." I said smiling.

"Bye." he said as we both hung up."

A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks. Just bare with me. I have something great planned but there are going to be a few fillers before that. Please leave feed back telling me what you think. I read every comment.

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