42-Luke Be Quiet!

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"Oh my gosh Michael! Are you crying!" Ashton shouted.
I quickly wiped my eyes as everyone stared at me.
"What? No! My eyes were just sweating!"
The guys laughed as the girls all said awee!
"It's a sad movie okay!" I shouted and went back to the movie.
Shawna slowly fell asleep in my arms. She was always so cute when she slept. She probably doesn't realize it but she always fell asleep with her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. And she always smiled in her sleep and held my hand tight and wouldn't let go for anything. And all I could ever do is look at her and smile because she was so cute.
I woke up before everyone else, as usual. Shawna still refused to let go of my hand. I used my free hand to reach in my pocket and grabbed my phone and saw Ashton tweeted some pictures. They were pictures of me and Shawna sleeping. They were the cutest pictures of us ever. Even when sleeping we just looked so happy. I couldn't stop smiling.
"What are you smiling so big for?"
I looked up to see Luke. He walked over and looked at my phone too.
"You really love her, don't you? I can see it in just your smile."
"Yeah I do. And one day I'm gonna marry this girl." I whispered. I bent down and kissed Shawna's forehead. She released my hand and stretched her arms out.
"Good morning princess." I said kissing her again. She got up.
"I'm going to make some coffee." she said and walked to the kitchen.
"So you're really gonna do it?" Luke whispered.
"When!" Luke shouted.
"What Luke?" Shawna asked walking back into the kitchen.
"Oh nothing honey." I said and she walked back in the kitchen. "Shh! Luke be quiet. And I was gonna go shopping for the ring today. I was actually going to ask you to come with me?"
"Yes Michael. Oh my gosh. This is so exciting!"
"What's so exciting?" Shawna asked walking back in the room with 3 cups of coffee.
"Oh Luke just got a little excited about Derpcon." I said faking a laugh.
"Oh so what do you wanna do today sweetie?" Shawna asked handing us our coffee.
"Actually Luke and I were gonna have a guy's day while you hung out with Kendra, Cindy, Ash, and Cal."
"Oh that sounds fun. But why not include Cal and Ash?"
"Oh um.."
"They said they wanted to get to know Cindy and Kendra better!" Luke shouted.

A/N: Sorry this is so short. But it is now 4 am so I'm going to sleep.

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