53-Will She Say Yes To The Dress?

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As the wedding gets closer I constantly got more nervous. Today was the day we were going shopping for my dress which I knew was going to be a disaster. I've always been so horrible and indecisive when it came to shopping.
"Smile Shawna!" I heard Luke's voice. I snapped out of my thought and continued eating my breakfast. Everyone else had already finished, which just left me and Luke as he finished what was probably his third plate. He moved to the chair next to me and lifted my chin so I was looking at him.
"What's wrong Shawna? You're marrying your best friend in a few months and you're about to go find the beautiful dress you're going to wear on that wonderful day which will only make you even more beautiful." Luke could always tell when something was bothering me.
"I'm just nervous."
"About shopping?" Luke was obviously confused.
"About everything Luke!"
"Now listen to me! He is your best friend! You're marrying your best friend! What could be better? Shawna, trust me when I say this. You're never gonna find another guy who treats you as well or cares about you as much as Michael does. I get that you're nervous. This is the biggest commitment you could ever make in your life. You're allowed to be a bit nervous, but I want you to know that no matter what, you can always come talk to me. About anything." Luke then hugged me really tight. I was always so glad to have Luke around. He could always comfort me when I needed it. He was just like my older brother.
"Shawna, you gotta get dressed. We're gonna be late for the dress appointment." Kendra said as she walked into the kitchen.
"I'll be in there in just a minute." I said turning back towards Luke. She went back to my room to wait for me.
"You need to go get ready." Luke said getting up and bringing our plates to the sink.
"Will you go with us today? Please? I know you'll think it's totally lame but I'd feel a lot more comfortable." I rambled as he held a finger up to my lips telling me to shut up.
"I would love to. Now go get dressed."
I hugged Luke tight before rushing to my room. I quickly got dressed and then met Luke in the living room. Kendra, Cindy, and Amy grabbed their coats and were about to walk outside when I looked at Luke.
"You ready?" I asked. Everyone but Luke looked at me confused.
"You're going with them?" Ashton asked.
"Yeah, Shawna asked me to and it means a lot to her." He said standing up and hugging me.
"We'll see you girls later." Calum snickered. Luke rolled his eyes and grabbed his coat as Michael put mine on me and then spun me around to face him.
"Have fun baby. I can't wait for our wedding. You're gonna look so beautiful. I love you." He said kissing me.
"I love you too." I said before meeting the others at the car. I decided to let Luke drive as I sat showing the girls examples of what I wanted my dress to look like. We got lost talking about dresses, and soon arrived at the shop. The girls quickly walked into the shop leaving me and Luke behind.
"Just take a deep breath. It's gonna be alright." he said hugging me.
"Thanks Luke." I smiled at him and then walked into the shop. The girls had gone ahead and signed us in. Luke held my hand while we waited. He probably thought it was dumb that I was so nervous about something so stupid. But he still tried his best to comfort me. We waited a few minutes and then a sales rep came over.
"Hello I'm Kelly!" She introduced herself. We all greeted her back.
"So you must be the lucky bride?" She joked pointing at Luke. We all laughed.
"Actually I am." I said once everyone finished laughing.
"Okay so tell me a little about your wedding and fiancé and how you met." she said.
"We're having a July wedding at a country club off the beach in the afternoon. And his name is Michael. We've been together for a year and he's everything I've ever wanted in a guy. He's in a band and we actually met at one of his concerts."
"Ooh was it one of those things where he saw you in the crowd and sent security to get you because he just thought you were so beautiful?" Kelly asked as Luke and I laughed.
"Most girls probably would wish that's how it had happened. But I don't. I love the way we met. I got lost trying to find the restroom and he was running from fans when we ran into each other. I fell hard on my head and he took me back to the dressing room to make sure I was alright." I couldn't stop smiling. I always loved telling the story of how we met.
"So who have you brought here today?" Kelly asked.
"This is my maid of honor, Kendra. my two bridesmaids, Cindy and Amy. And the best man, Luke." I said pointing to each of them as I introduced them.
"Alright so what did you have in mind for your dress? Any specific silhouette?" Kelly asked.
"I definitely want a princess silhouette. Preferably with a sweetheart neckline. And a little bling, not too overboard tho." I said showing her some dresses I was fond of on my phone. None of them I was really dying to get tho.
"Okay then let's get you to the dressing room and I'll pull some dresses." Kelly said leading me to the dressing room. I waited there for a few minutes before she came back with four dresses. She helped me into the first one. I wasn't really too fond of it but I decided to walk out and show everyone. As soon as I walked out I could tell none of them were fond of it either. But they put on fake smiles trying to convince me they liked it.
"Guys, I need you to be honest. I know you don't like this one. I could tell as soon as I walked out, I could see your faces. I don't like this one either." I said.
"Alright well my opinion is that dress looks awful on you!" Luke said as everyone else agreed.
"Alright then let's go try on the next one." Kelly said. We walked back to the dressing room and she helped me into dress #2. This one had a little more bling like I wanted. But I still wasn't completely satisfied.
"I hate this one." I said. And Kelly helped me into dress 3. It was a light blush colored corset back which I loved. I decided to show everyone this one.
"That one is beautiful!" Amy shouted as Luke agreed.
"Oh my god! It looks great on you Shawna!" Cindy and Kendra simultaneously cooed.
"I really love this one, but I still want to try on that last one." I said. Kelly and I walked back to the dressing room as she helped me into the last dress. As soon as I looked at myself in the mirror in it I fell in love! It was a champagne color which complimented my skin tone. It had the perfect amount of bling spread throughout the dress and a corset back. I practically ran out of the dressing room. I tried my best to hide the huge smile across my face. They all just stared at me for a second. Luke was first to speak.
"Shawna, that dress is fucking gorgeous on you!" Kendra agreed.
"Michael would love that one!" Amy shouted and Cindy agreed.
"Well everyone seems to love this one. What about the bride?" Kelly asked looking at me.
I turned around to look in the mirror that was behind me.
"I love this dress. It really makes me feel like a princess, the way I want to feel on my wedding day."
"So is that a yes?" Kelly asked smirking. She obviously already knew the answer.
"YAS!" I shouted.

A/N: I pretty much based all of this off of Say Yes To The Dress. I love that show🙊

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