27-Keek and Paparazzi.

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"Okay so we should do a keek!" Shawna quietly shouted.

"About what?" I asked.

"I'll film and you can do like a smack cam but like waking up the guys but instead of hitting them, you can use these and call it wake up cam." Shawna said handing me and Luke some water guns.

"Let's do it!" I said.

"I call waking Calum!" Luke said.

Shawna grabbed my phone, "alright so you wanna start the video by telling them what you're gonna do?" Shawna asked.

"Yeah, and you should start it!" Luke exclaimed.

"Okay." Shawna giggled.

She unlocked my phone and pulled up keek.

"Wait what should I say?" Shawna asked as Luke and I filled up our water guns.

"Say whatever you want babe." I said smiling.

She started recording.

"Hey fam! These losers are still sleeping" she whispered pointing the camera towards Ashton and Calum. "So this is wake up cam!" She said as Luke and I snuck up to Calum and Ashton.

She gave us a head nod and we began soaking the guys.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Ashton groaned.

"Shhh Ashton, no swearing!" Luke giggled as Calum rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head. I ran over and jumped on Calum.

"DOG PILE!" I screamed as Luke jumped on me, followed by a sleepy Ashton. I could hear Shawna laughing.

"I paused it but Calum you're almost out of time on the keek."

"Wait, you were recording that?" He asked suddenly.

"Yep." Luke and I both said simultaneously.

Calum shot up and ran to the bathroom. He came back with perfectly fixed hair and took my phone from Shawna and walked back over to us, dragging Shawna along.

"Alright, are you guys ready?" He said.

We all said yeah and he continued the keek.

"Hope you guys enjoyed our little wake up call!" Luke shouted.

"I know Ash and I sure did." Calum said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"We love you guys!" everyone shouted together at the last second and Calum posted it.

Shawna couldn't stop smiling. I knew she always loved doing this kind of stuff with the guys. It kind of made her feel like part of the band and it was just adorable.

"So what do you guys wanna do today?" Calum asked still talking in his tired voice.

"Ooh how bout we have a party?" Shawna said.

The boys all agreed at once.

"That sounds fun, but isn't it kind of last minute?" I said.

"Nah, there aren't any going on tonight and kids look forward to parties in a small town like this. Oh hey y'all could do a set! Like an acoustic set? That would be so cool!" Shawna said excitedly.

"Ooh yeah, that sounds cool!" Ashton shouted.

"But we don't have any instruments." I said.

"We brought the instruments with us incase we got inspiration for a new song." Luke said.

"Oh perfect! Okay. Calum and Michael put a playlist together for when you guys aren't playing. Ashton get some wood together and we can do a fire too!" Shawna said.

"What about me?" Luke asked.

"You're coming with me and we're gonna go shopping for stuff for the party." Shawna said.

"Aww, how come Luke gets to go shopping?" Ashton whined.

"Because Luke is like a food expert!" Shawna said laughing.


*Shawna's POV*

Luke and I arrived at the store and walked in.

"So what kind of food do you think we should get?" I asked.

"Definitely need some Vegemite and Nutella!" Luke shouted.

I giggled and we grabbed some and put it in the shopping cart. Luke pushed the cart as I put in random chips and dips and drinks. Someone spotted us and recognized Luke and ran over startling us. She began to scream, asking Luke for autographs and pictures. I took their picture and Luke talked to her for a bit before her mom pulled her away. We walked to the front of the store and checked out.

As we walked to the car we got bombarded by dozens of people taking our photographs.

"Damn paparazzi, I can't even go shopping!" Luke shouted rolling his eyes.

Luke could tell I still wasn't used to it and was kind of scared. He ripped off his sweatshirt and threw it to me.

"Put this on!" he shouted.

I quickly threw it on like he said and he pulled the hood up over my face and then stood between the photographers and I. His height completely shielding me from being photographed.

I really didn't see how the guys went through this all the time.

"When we get to the car get in as fast as possible. I'll put everything up, just be ready for a fast get away, okay?" Luke whispered in my ear. All I could do was nod to show him I understood. We reached the car and I unlocked it and ran to the door, getting in as fast as I could just as Luke said to. I popped the trunk for him to put the stuff in and started the car, trying to calm myself before I had to drive. Luke quickly got in the car.

"Hurry! Before they get to their vans and follow us!" Luke yelled.

I backed out and drove to my house as quick as I could.

"Luke, there's a van following us!" I said.

He looked back behind us. "Shit! Um take another way. One with lots of turns."

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