32-Date Night.

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She giggled.

"You might wanna close your mouth unless you wanna catch some flies."

I blushed and closed my mouth. I couldn't say anything. She looked so beautiful that I was speechless.

"Woah, Shawna! You look great! " Luke said.

"Thanks Luke." Shawna said smiling.

Luke could tell I still couldn't say anything. He pat me on the back really hard.

"Princess you look amazing!" I finally managed to choke out as Calum and Ashton walked through the back door laughing. When they saw Shawna they quickly stopped laughing and their jaws dropped as well.

"Guys stop staring!" she said blushing.

"YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Ashton and Calum simultaneously shouted.

"Thanks guys." she said smiling.

Calum and Ashton then left. Ashton went to the guest bathroom to shower and Calum went to the master bathroom to do the same.

"So are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded my head.

"Are you gonna be able to talk mate?" Luke said laughing as he handed me my coat and tied my tie for me. I could never tie those darn things.

Luke had always been the smooth talker in the group. He always knew what to say to fix everything. I could usually do the same but I was absolutely speechless. I had plenty of things to say, I just couldn't take the thoughts and turn them into words.

"Michael, are you okay?" Shawna asked worried.

Luke hit my back again, as if I was a baby and he was trying to burp me.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, you just look so gorgeous. I'm speechless." I said blushing.

"Awe. C'mon!" she said smiling and dragging me out of the house.

"You kids have fun!" Luke shouted out of the front door.

We walked to the car.

"No sweetie. I'm driving this time." I said as she tried to get into the drivers seat. She was probably thinking 'Yeah, I'm gonna drive so he has to tell me where we're going.'

I opened the door as she walked back to the passenger side and got in. I kissed her lightly on the lips before closing the door and walking around to the driver side and getting in. I started the car and we backed out of the driveway and drove towards town.

"Now will you tell me where we're going?" she asked, batting her long eyelashes hoping I would tell her.

"Nope!" I replied smirking. She groaned and turned on the radio.

A new song was just starting. We smiled at each other as we both recognized it. It was our song. I turned the radio down slightly and looked back at the road as I listened to Shawna sing it. I had never heard her sing. It was so beautiful.

"So beautiful."

"What?" she said confused.

"Huh?" I said just as confused.

"You just randomly said so beautiful."

"Oh I guess I was thinking out loud." I said.

"Oh so what's so beautiful?" She asked curiously.

"Your singing." I said.

"Oh you're funny Michael!" she laughed.

"No sweetie, it really is beautiful." I said smiling.

"If you say so." she said sarcastically.

"Princess it is. I wouldn't lie to you." I said smiling.

We shortly arrived at the restaurant and her face lit up when she saw where we were.

"How did you know I love this place?"

She practically shouted.

"Well I remember on our first date you said Italian was your favorite so I googled some Italian places and this one just kind of stuck out to me. So I called your mom and asked what she thought and she said you loved it." I said smiling and parking the car.

I turned it off and turned my head towards Shawna, hitting her head. I didn't realize how close she was. We both held our hand to our heads and said ow.

"I didn't realize how close you were, I'm sorry babe." I said kissing her head.

"It's fine sweetie." She said trying to open her door. "Why won't it open?"

"Oh um I don't know." I said smirking. Really I locked it so I could be a gentleman and open it for her. I got out of the car and walked around to her door opening it and helping her out of the car.

"I guess you just need the right touch." I said laughing.

I closed her door and we walked up to the restaurant. As she reached for the door I moved her hand and opened it for her.

"I can open the door myself, you know?" she said.

"I know you can. But that's not how I was raised. My dad taught me how to treat a lady. But you're my Princess which means I treat you even better than dad taught me." I said smiling and flashing my teeth at her as she walked through the door.

"I can't wait to meet this wonderful man who raised the guy of my dreams." she said as she kissed me.

"Only a few more weeks and I'll be headed home to see him and mom. And hopefully you'll be with me? If you want to?" I asked.

"Michael, I would love to!" she said excitedly.

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