35- Love Master Luke

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I walked out of the room and pulled out my phone to call Amy.


I looked at the microwave which read 11:47 (23:47) Amy was kind of an early bird.

"Amy listen. Shawna and Michael got in a HUGE fight and I think they broke up and I need to talk to her. Is she there or did she go to her parents?"

"Oh wow. Luke, are you sure?" Amy said kind of confused.

"Yes, do you know where she is?"

"She probably went to her parents hou-"

"THANKS AMY!" I shouted.

"Wait wait. LUKE!"

"Yeah?" I said rushing to Shawna's room.

"Luke, call me later tonight. I don't care what time. Just let me know what happens."

"Okay Amy." I hung up and picked a shirt up and walked back to the bathroom. I threw the shirt at Michael.

"C'mon man. We're going to find her." I said smirking.

Michael quickly threw the shirt on and jumped up. And he ran to the car. I stayed behind for a moment.

"Hey Ashton and Calum you guys stay here. I think all of us might overwhelm Shawna." I whispered as Michael ran back in the room.

"GUYS COME ON!" He whined.

"We're gonna stay here Mike." Calum and Ashton said.

"Then come on Luke!" Michael shouted dragging me out of the room. I slammed the door behind us and we walked to the car.

"No Michael. I'm driving. You're in no state to drive." I screamed.

Michael whined and walked to the passenger side. We got in and put on our seat belts and I put the address I got from Amy into my gps.

As I drove I looked over. Michael was still a wreck.

"Hey everything is going to be all right. I know it is. YOU'RE GOING TO GET HER BACK!" I said as we pulled into her parents drive way.

"Is this the right house?"

"Yes" Michael said waiting for me to park the car.

"Wow! This place is fancy!" I thought out loud as Michael laughed at me. I finished parking the car and we ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell and Shawna answered the door.

"Baby!" She slammed the door in Michael's face and he started to cry again. I pushed him out of the way into a chair and banged on the door.

"Go away Michael!"

"Shawna it's Luke!" she opened the door.

"What do you want Luke?"

"Please come talk with us?" I begged her.

She walked out and sat in a chair next to Michael as I sat on the porch rail.

"Shawna what happened?" I asked and she began to cry again.

"I just don't know. I overheard Michael talking to you on the phone about how I had changed and I wasn't the girl he had fallen in love with. And I guess I just kind of jump to conclusions and broke up with him before he could break up with me."

"Baby, I could never break up with you. I really don't know what I would do without you. You're so amazing and I love you so much." Michael said grabbing and holding Shawna's hand. "I just called Luke cause I needed to vent to someone." and he kissed her. And they both looked so happy. I couldn't help but smile because of how happy they looked.

"So this means you're back together right?" I asked.

They both looked at each other as smiled before simultaneously yelling "YES!" and I smiled even more.

"Good. You guys are my OTP!" I said as an older woman walked outside. I assumed it was her mum.

"What is going on out here?" she asked.

"Well these two are officially back together." I said smiling.

"Oh that's so great! But who are you?" she asked kind of confused.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Luke, I'm one of Michael's band mates." I explained and held my hand out to shake hers.

"Oh yes Shawna and Michael have told me a lot about you. You're a very sweet boy. Shawna, are you staying here tonight?" she said.

"I think I'm gonna go back home." Shawna said smiling.

She hugged her mum and told her bye and her and Michael got in her car and I followed them back to Shawna's house.

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