10-The Coffee and The Doubts

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The next morning I was woken up by a kiss. It was little things like this that Michael did that I loved. I was smiling so big that I couldn't return the kiss. He giggled.

"Good morning beautiful." he said running his hands through my hair.

I giggled, "Well good morning handsome." I said rubbing my eye.

The sunlight just barely shined through the curtain, brightening the room. I got up and changed into another shirt Michael gave me and the shorts I had been wearing. Then I brushed my hair and teeth. I opened the door to find Michael just standing there.

"Did you need in here?" I asked.

"No." he said in a cute, sing-song voice.

"Oh, well then what's up?" I asked.

"I was waiting to do this." Michael pulled me in really close, causing me drop everything. He placed one had on my lower back, the other was cupping my face as he passionately kissed my face. We kissed for a while until my alarm went off, scaring both of us. I let out a slight giggle and turned it off.

"Well you ready to go grab some coffee?" Michael asked.

"Yep." I said popping the "P"

We walked downstairs back to his car and Michael drove us to a nearby coffee shop. Michael went to the counter and ordered us a couple of coffees as I went and sat in a booth towards the back of the coffee shop. Michael shortly joined me, his coffees in our hands. As we sat, sipping our coffee, I snuggled up close to Michael while we talked. This was another thing I loved about Michael. He loved having me close to his side, all the time and he could actually hold a conversation where in the past, my boyfriends and I had simple, short conversations and mostly made out. But it seemed like Michael would rather talk to me.

We shortly finished our coffees and then left to return to where the boys were staying. As we got back to Michael's room we noticed the other boys were still sleeping.

"Hey, wanna have some fun?" I said with a sneaky smirk.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked confused.

"Take these and follow me." I said still with a sneaky smirk and handing Michael a pot and a spoon.

We walked to Ashton's room where the other 3 boys had all slept that night.

"On the count of 3" I whispered.

Michael nodded his head.

"1...2...3!" I counted quietly.

Then we started banging very loudly on the pots with our spoons, yelling "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!"

Luke groaned as Calum threw a pillow at us and Ashton jumped up in a panic and groaning, as Michael and I laughed.

"It's not too fun when you're on the other side, is it Ash?" I said loudly.

"What time is it?" Luke groaned.

I pulled out my phone to look at the time, "It's 7:10"

Luke groaned, his face falling back onto his pillow.

"C'mon guys! Time to get up!" I screamed.

The boys all slowly climbed out of the bed they had been sharing, and one by one walked to the bathroom to splash some water on their faces, all dragging their feet. After splashing his face with water a few times, Ash was once again his chirpy self.

"I see you like revenge." Ashton said laughing.

"You know it" I said laughing as well.

"Just wait." he said smirking. "The revenge game never ends"

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