28-The Accident

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I did as Luke said and started taking lots of turns. I turned down one road. I knew this road had a lot of curves and was connected to another road that went in a U shape. I went around one curve really fast and the paparazzi backed off a little. Then I turned down the road that went in a U shape and drove really fast.

"Are they still following us, Luke?" I asked, scared to look.

Luke turned around.

"No, we lost them."

I let out a loud sigh of relief when I heard Luke say that.

"Shawna!" Luke said.

"What?" I said.

"SLOW DOWN!" Luke shouted.

I was like frozen. I couldn't take my foot off of the gas.

"SHAWNA!" Luke screamed.

That was the last thing I remember.


*Luke's POV*

I've never been so scared. I didn't know what had gotten into Shawna. Her eyes said "scared" but her small smirk screamed "I don't wanna stop." I tried to yell. I tried to get her to slow down. But she wouldn't listen. She swerved so she wouldn't hit a tree stump in the middle of the road. But she lost control of the car. We spun into the ditch and then the car flipped a few times. When it finally stopped, I was fine but I couldn't tell if Shawna was breathing.

I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket as tears began to fall down my face. I called 911 and got an ambulance. The ambulance quickly got there and cut us out of the car. I couldn't stop crying.

"She's unconscious and you're cut up pretty bad." I heard the paramedic say.

I just looked at Shawna and cried more.

"We're bringing her in. And you as well. You can ride with her in the ambulance." The paramedic said as 2 others put Shawna on a gurney and loaded it into the ambulance. I walked to the ambulance and got in beside Shawna. I had to call Michael. I took my phone back out and called him as I heard the siren comeback on.

"Hey Luke!" I heard Michael say just as happy as can be. But he could tell I was crying.

"Luke? what's wrong?" Michael asked worried.

I tried to clear my throat so I could talk.

"Luke? Where's Shawna? And why do I hear a siren?" He asked even more worried.

"Michael, there was a crash. We're both in the ambulance now." I choked out through the tears.

"Wh-what? Is she okay?" Michael stuttered. I could tell just by his voice his eyes were already watering.

"I don't know yet. They're bringing us to the hospital. She's unconscious right now." I said.

All I could hear was crying.

"Michael, get the guys and meet us at the hospital. I'm not gonna leave her until you get here." I said trying to comfort Michael.

"We'll meet your there. And Luke, if anything happens please let me know." Michael said crying.

"I will. And don't worry, everything will be alright. Just hurry." I said.

"Alright bye." Michael said and we both hung up.

I held her hand tight the rest of the way to the hospital.

When we finally got there they brought us into one room, for Shawna. I was fine for the most part. I just had a few cuts which they cleaned and bandaged quickly.

"Mr. Hemmings, you're going to need stitches." a doctor said.

"But I can't leave her." I said.

I didn't care what I needed. I wasn't going to leave her.

"We can stitch you up right here. It'll only take a few minutes." he said and he left to get the supplies for the stitches.

I sat in a chair next to Shawna's bed. I grabbed her hand again, holding it tightly just as I did in the ambulance. She had cuts everywhere. I almost didn't recognize her. I took my phone out and texted Michael to let him know she got a room. I prayed she would be alright. I started crying again.

The doctor walked back in and took my left arm and started to clean the cut which stung a little and began to sew me up. I never let go of Shawna's hand. The doctor finished and left us.

I looked back at Shawna. It was all my fault and I felt like complete shit.

Then I heard the door open and saw Michael, Calum, and Ashton walk in. Michael ran over to me and Shawna.

"Oh my god! what happened?" Michael shouted as he began to cry. I told them the whole story.

"I just feel like complete shit! If it wasn't for me she never would have had to try to outrun the paparazzi. And she never would have had the wreck. And she wouldn't be laying here right now." I put my head in my hands and began to cry.

"Woah Luke slow down. It's not your fault." Michael said hugging me.

"But it's all my fault! I'm the reason she's here! I-I-I just. AHHH!" I screamed.

I wanted to put my fist through a wall. Just something to make me forget about all of this. I had to leave. I got up and started to walk towards the door. I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw Shawna was now awake.

"Lukey, come back!" She said smiling.

I turned around and walked back to her side.

"Yeah, Shawna?" I asked. The doctors said she probably wouldn't remember anything today and she might have amnesia.

"Come closer!" She whispered.

I leaned down closer to her and she grabbed my face and pulled me closer and kissed me. I was in shock! I heard 3 simultaneous gasps. When she released me I just stared at her with my jaw dropped.

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked really confused.

"Because I love you silly." she said smiling.

"What?" I asked even more confused.

"Oh my gosh Lukey! You're my boyfriend and I love you!" She said smiling.

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