40-Another Secret Revealed

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"Can we talk alone?" Michael asked. I nodded and we walked across the hall to my room. Tony was still laying on the floor, conscious. I walked into my room and sat on the bed. Michael followed me kicking Tony really hard in the side on the way.

"Oops. Sorry didn't see you there." Michael said sarcastically and smirking. He walked into my room, closing the door behind him, and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry baby." I said.

"Why did you feel you could tell Luke but not me?" he asked sadly.

"I don't know baby." I said looking down. His heart was broken and it hurt to look at him knowing I was the cause.

"You know how after the accident you thought Luke was your boyfriend?"

"Yeah?" I said kind of confused where he was going.

"Is there anything going on between you and Luke?"

My heart sank when he said those words. I had always thought there was a possibility that Luke liked me but he was Michael's best friend and I wouldn't allow myself to be able to develop feelings for Luke.

"Shawna, do you have feelings for Luke?" Michael said again, this time emphasizing the whole question and pausing after each word.

"I can't believe you would even think that, Michael!" I almost shouted and bursted into tears again.

"I'm sorry but I just learned of a very traumatic event my girlfriend went through. And I probably never would have learned about it if it hadn't been for Luke. And..." he sighed and walked towards the door running his fingers through his hair in an aggravated way and mumbled "I just feel like we're not as close as we used to be. It seems like you tell Luke more than you tell me. I-I just don't know. I love you so much but if feels like we're so far apart."

"What are you trying to say Michael?"

"I don't know. I feel like this whole relationship is just like what's the use anymore?"

My voice began to shake.

"M-michael a-are you b-breaking up with m-me?" I held back the tears as I said the words.

"Like I said, what's the point? Just go with Luke. You seem more interested in him anyway." He opened the door and walked out and I ran after him, letting the tears stream down my face. I caught him in the kitchen and jerked his arm back making him stop and look at me.

"Michael no. Please baby. Don't do this."

"I got to. I just want you to be happy. Now go find Luke."

"No Michael. YOU'RE THE ONE I WANT! Not Luke! Michael, you're the one who makes me happy!" I shouted and then changed to a whisper "There's something else I've never told you."

"Oh great, more secrets." he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Just look please." I whispered as he looked at me. I dragged him to the sink and wet a paper towel and then pressed it to my wrist removing some makeup and then held out my wrist showing it to him. His eyes got really big and filled up with tears as he ran his fingers across my scars.

"Why baby?"

"I used to be really depressed. I would cut any chance I got because of how depressed I was."

Little tears began to fall from his green eyes onto his cheeks.

"I haven't cut in 72 days."

"72 days?" he questioned looking deep into my eyes and I nodded my head.

"So you haven't cut since we met?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Michael, that's how happy you make me. I haven't felt depressed at all while we were together." I said reaching up and wiping his tears away. "I haven't had a single urge to cut. I even threw away my blades because you make me so happy I don't need them at all."

He wrapped his arms around me tight and quietly mumbled "I don't ever want to be the cause of one of those scars."

"Don't worry baby. You never will be." I said kissing him.

"I'm sorry baby. For everything." He tightened his arms around me. "I'm never leaving you. I'm so sorry I even thought something was going on between you and Luke and--"

"You what!" Luke shouted.

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