22-The Forgotten Phone.

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After we finished the dishes Shawna told her parents good bye and we drove back to her house.

"Well tonight went pretty great." Shawna said happily.

"Yeah, your parents are great." I said smiling.

"I really think they liked you." She said.

"Gosh, I really hope so." I said.

"It's really important to you, isn't it?" she asked, her tone changed from a playful to a serious tone.

"Well yeah. Baby, I just care about you so much so it's just really important that your parents like me. I mean I wouldn't want my daughter with a guy I didn't like." I explained to her.

"Awe sweetie." she said smiling.

I just smiled at her. We say in silence for a while. I finally reached and turned on the radio. And of course it was playing 3,000 miles. I started singing it.

"This must be our song or something." Shawna said giggling.

"I guess so. It always seems to come on either when I'm with you or when I'm thinking of you." I said smiling.

We arrived at Shawna's house. We got out of the car and walked into her house.

*Shawna's POV*

Well tonight went great! it really seems like mom and dad like Michael. I'm so-- my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.


"Hey sweetie." I heard my mom say.

"Hey mom. What's up?" I said.

"Sweetie, I think Michael left his phone here." she said.

I looked at Michael, "hey sweetie, do you have your phone?"

He started feeling his pockets. "Oh crap!"

"Alright mom, we'll be over in a few. I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and we walked to the car and drove back to my parents.

As we drove Michael laughed at me the whole time as I sang and danced to every song. I love how comfortable I feel with him and how I can just act like a total idiot with him.

When we got back to my parents' house we walked back in and I greeted each of my parents again and so did Michael.

"I believe this is yours sir." my mom said handing Michael his phone back.

"Thanks." Michael said.

"Oh and someone named Calum called and I answered thinking it was my phone" Mom said laughing.

"He said for you to just call him when you got the chance. It wasn't anything important." Mom said.

"Oh okay good. Calum is one of my band mates.

Mom walked us back to the front door and told us goodbye. We walked back to the car and made the trip home one more time. I walked to my room and changed into some shorts and I stole one of Michael's shirts from his bag and walked back into the living room where Michael was. When he heard me walk in he looked up from his phone with his jaw dropped.

"Everything okay?" I asked stopping where I was standing. Michael got up from the couch and walked over to me. He wrapped one arm around me pulling me close to him and tilted my face up so I was looking at him.

"Baby, you always look so beautiful." He said and then kissed me.

A/N: I'm sorry this is short but I'm falling asleep. I love you.

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