41-What Happened?

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"Luke..." Michael said.
"You thought something was going on between me and Shawna?"

"I'm sorry Luke."
I could tell Luke was really upset.
"I can't believe you thought that. Michael you're my best friend, I could never do that to you. I admit, I did have feelings for her at first but Michael, I see how happy she makes you man. I couldn't take that away from you even if I hated your guts." Luke rambled on and I just hugged him tight and whispered in his ear while trying to hold back tears.
"I'm sorry Luke. I love you man."
Luke was really the best friend I could ask for. Who else would put their feelings aside just to see a mate happy?
Calum and Kendra bursted through the door.
"Shawna, they want you to come out so we can sing and cut the cake." Calum said. Shawna began to walk to the door, Kendra stopped her.
"Oh nuh uh! Pengy go fix your makeup!" Kendra said in a sassy tone. I laughed.
I always thought the nicknames Kendra, Shawna, and Cindy had for each other were cute. Kendra was Shrimpy, Shawna is Pengy, and Cindy Slicey.
Kendra and Shawna walked back to her bedroom and came back shortly with some fresh makeup. Shawna walked back to me and I hugged her tight and whispered in her ear.
"You're so beautiful and I love you so much baby." and kissed her as Calum and Luke 'ooohed" we heard a camera shutter and both pulled away to see Kendra uploading a picture to Instagram.
"Oh that's such a cute picture!" Calum shouted smiling at us.
"Well look at them Cal, they're like the cutest couple ever, how could they not take such an adorable picture?" Luke said looking at it too.
I could feel my cheeks turning red as Shawna's did too.
"C'mon, lets go get some cake!" Calum yelled.
"Well why go outside when we have Cake right here?" I said looking at Luke and Calum. They shot me some mean looks and the girls giggled.
"C'mon!" Kendra shouted walking to the door. We all walked out and Shawna sat at a table behind her cake. Her mum took a picture and then called for everyone to gather and sing and then cut the cake.
People started to leave. Soon it was just me, the guys, Shawna, Cindy, and Kendra.

After everyone left, we all changed into some more comfy clothes. Slicey and Shrimpy changed with me and we talked in the process.
"So how does it feel to finally meet your sunshines?"
They both just squealed.
"Kendra, where did you and Calum disappear to?"
"Well we walked to where we could actually hear each other which was under this big tree and we just sat, talking and looking up at the stars, AND HE KISSED ME!" Kendra said, screaming at the end, the boys probably heard her.
"Ooh how was it?" Cindy asked excited to hear.
Kendra smiled big.
"It was even better than I imagined. But our kiss was cut short. We heard fight and came to see what was going on. What about you Slicey? What happened with Ashton?"
"Well we walked to the garage and he showed me his drum set that they put in the garage so they could practice and he played for me. Then he told me to come here so I did. He had me sit and tried to teach me to play. I could feel his muscles wrapping around me as he guided my arms and I looked over my shoulder at him and he says he slipped and his face fell on mine but I say he just kissed me." Cindy said laughing.
"Gosh Ash is such a dork." I said rolling my eyes. "But I'm pretty sure they both think you're hot."
"REALLY?" they simultaneously screamed.
"Yeah. When they laid eyes on y'all their jaws dropped." I said smirking.
We all walked out of my room and overheard the guys talking in the living room.
"Shh. Lets scare them." I whispered. We tiptoed to the end of the hall.
"But she's really cool. I taught her how to play the drums and I uh slipped and ended up kissing her." Ashton said.
We stopped and listened to them a second.
"Yeah sure you 'slipped'. What about you Cal?" Luke laughed.
"Well we sat looking up at the stars and talking. She got cold so I gave her my jacket and wrapped my arm around her waist. And our eyes met and we both leaned in and just kind of kissed."
I peeked my head out, luckily none of the guys saw me.
"They both have the biggest smiles on their faces. And they all have their backs this way so be really quiet." I whispered. We snuck into the room. Kendra snuck up behind Calum, Cindy behind Ashton, and I snuck up behind Michael and Luke. I held up fingers counting, when I got to 3 we all yelled "BOO!" the guys jumped at least 3 feet in the air as we all laughed.
"THAT WASN'T FUNNY!" Michael shouted playfully punching me.
"Aww don't be a sour puss, babe." I said kissing his cheek.
"Hey let's watch a movie!" Ashton said.
Everyone agreed. Luke put in the fault in our stars and turned off the lights. Kendra and Calum were cuddled up on the love seat. Ashton and Cindy were squeezed into a couch that was really meant for just one person. And Michael and I snuggled on the couch. Luke sat beside us as the movie started.

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