55- A Life Together

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This has been such a journey. About three years ago I was just a fan obsessing over a boy I thought I would never meet. I had already fallen in love with him without ever seeing him in person.
Then there was that wonderful Friday night. The one Friday night that I will remember for the rest of my life. 22 August. I am so happy I got lost. Even more happy that I was knocked to the ground. And the person who knocked me down makes me the happiest.
It was just one little bump because neither of us were paying attention. One glance into each other's eyes. And I was even more determined to show this boy I had fallen so madly in love with just how perfect we were for each other.
One late night of staying up just talking and laughing. That's all it took. He has made me happier than anyone ever has. At times it just feels so unreal. As if it were just a dream that I continue each night. But this is my reality.
I wouldn't change a thing that has happened. If given the chance I would still want all the fights we've had with each other. The arguing. The car crash with Luke. Even the break up. Because if I had changed any of it then it wouldn't have been this same relationship I have that I love so much.
Michael Gordan Clifford has become my best friend who I just married and now have the amazing pleasure of spending the rest of my life with.

A/N: Thank you all so much for all the reads and the amazing comments. Please don't be sad I ended this. I absolutely loved writing this story. But now it is time to focus on my Ashton story which I hope you will read as well. I love all of you so much! And I want you to always remember that you are beautiful. No matter what society says or what you think. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! And if you ever feel down my inbox is always open. Also you can follow me on Instagram. @Cuddlewithmeclifford I am a lot more active on there.

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