𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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❛❛ our kingdom will prosper
in your hands ❜❜

❛❛ our kingdom will prosperin your hands ❜❜ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"princess soojin!" one of the palace maids bursted through her bedroom door, alarming the girl inside who was silently reading her book. she pries her eyes away from the material and eyes the intruder.

the maid frantically bows, voice laced with urgency as she takes deep breaths "princess.. your presence is needed now, it is.. very important"

soojin raised her brow but complied, placing her book down by the bedside table and standing.

she and the maid walked side by side quickly, their shoes echoing in the empty halls "what's going on?" soojin asked. the maid wasnt able to answer as they both stopped in front of two familiar wooden doors.

her father's chamber.

soojin felt her heart sink to the pit of  her stomach as the maid only opened the door, letting the princess in before leaving.

her eyes instantly fell into her sick father's body.

a few months ago, the king suddenly fainted in the hallways of the castle, the queen immediately called in the palace doctor to check on the him, but to everyone's dismay the palace doctor said that there was no cure for the illness that the king had caught.

the king has been bedridden ever since the incident.

the people of zeeta was made aware of the king's situation which caused a mild panic all throughout the kingdom.

with their ruler gone, that left the siblings and the queen to take care of their kingdom. soojin, being the youngest among the three, was excused from all the meetings and other responsibilities, needing to attend private classes with the palace wizard.

san, the oldest, spotted her presence as he stood up from where he was sitting-- releasing his grip from his father's hand and immediately went to soojin and embraced her tight.

"f-father" soojin's eyes stared at her father, he had turned paler the last time that she had seen him, thinner too with his cheeks hallow and his bones sunken. tears started to form in her eyes as san released the embrace and looked at her.

now that soojin could see her brother's face, it was obvious that he has been crying. dried tears stained his face and his eyes were red and puffy.

the door bursts open as the two turned towards it. soobin had entered the room, closing the door behind him as his eyes stared at the two before glancing towards his father. 

"what's going on?" soobin asked as san held soojin's hand before the three made their way towards the bed, confusion etched on soobin's face as he saw his older brother's condition.

kang yeosang, the wizard and palace doctor, noticed the presence of the three as he bowed before checking the condition of the king once again.

the king's eyes fluttered open as he weakly gesture his kids towards him.

soojin immediately embraced her father, gently as if putting too much pressure was going to break him.

yeosang stepped out of the room, knowing that the time of the king with his children are only limited.

"look at my lovely daughter" he patted his daughters hair "you look so much like your mother"

a single tear dropped from soojin's eye as she smiled "im going to meet her soon my love, i cannot wait to tell her how much all of you have grown"

san and soobin were kneeling beside their father. the king locked his eyes towards soobin first, staring softly at his second child before speaking "i trust you with the royal army, my son. you have grown up to be the best fighter in the whole land, i am proud of you and i trust that with you our army will become stronger"

soobin muffled a sob as he only nodded, his throat seeming to become tighter by the second, the lump forming giving him the inability to answer with words.

now the king turned towards his eldest son "choi san" the king started slowly "yes father?" san utters as he tried to stop his tears from falling.

"you will now take care of this kingdom on behalf of my departure. i couldn't think of anyone better to lead zeeta. as the crown prince you have many duties to fulfill but i trust you and i believe in you my son" he reached out to hold san's hand "our kingdom will prosper in your hands"

the king now looked at all his children "i love you all" he said slowly before his face changed into something darker.

"a week or two after my burial. i have already told the council to arrange the crowning ceremony for you san. we need it to happen as soon as possible"

san looked at his father, eyes turning wide at the statement "why so soon father?"

the king shook his head weakly "the que-" he coughed as blood came out of his mouth, his hand dropped from san's grip and fell down.

"father?" soojin said, frantically looking at her father "f-father!" she held his arm and shook it, tears were spilling out of her eyes as her hands trembled. san called the attention of the palace doctor who was  patiently waiting outside.

"what's going on?" soobin asked as he stood beside his sister, wrapping his arms around her shoulder as they give space for the doctor.

yeosang held the king's hand before checking his pulse. he raised his head up slowly, a grim look plastered on his face as he stared sadly at the siblings.

he gently dropped the king's hand, placing it the side as he shook his head "im sorry your majesties" san looked at yeosang, eyes wide in disbelief.

"san.." yeosang said, dropping the formalities as he gave the prince a sad smile "soojin, soobin, im so sorry"

the three acknowledged yeosang, as the palace doctor was a friend of theirs.

"im going to excuse myself" yeosang said before slightly bowing at the three and bowing towards the king, holding it for much longer "thank you.. my king"

yeosang walked towards the door as it suddenly flew opened. the queen walked in, her eyes fixed on her husband and an unreadable expression on her face. he bows towards the queen first before leaving.

soojin takes a quick glance at the queen before another set of tears formed in her eyes. san takes his place beside soojin and engulfs her in a side hug. the princess buries her face against her brother's chest as muffled sobs escaped her lips.

"sangchul" the queen walked slowly towards the bed "sangchul" the queen said again as tears fell from her eyes.

"mother" soobin said as he stood beside her, giving her support as he noticed her weak state.

"i-is he.." the queen looks at san, directing her question to him. the prince turned his attention towards the queen and slowly nodded in response.

the queen after seeing the oldest's reply, fell down beside her husband as she bawled her eyes out. soobin crouches down beside her and calmly caressed her back.

the whole kingdom grieved the lost of their beloved king.

they now looked up at choi san to lead them.

i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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