𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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❛❛ what did you wish for? ❜❜

❛❛ what did you wish for? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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seonghwa and the gunner arrived at tong's taverns just a few minutes after the group had received their drinks.

the table was decorated with the same multicolored drinks as everyone talked with each other, engaging in numerous types of conversations.

the grouped stopped with their chatting when wooyoung and seonghwa each took a sit on the table.

"what are your plans for today?" seonghwa was the first to speak. soojin offered him her red colored juice as he gladly took a sip at it.

"me and mingi would probably just stroll around" the quartermaster said, mingi nodded in agreement.

san turned to his sister first before answering "we're going to explore a little bit"

the princess nodded "but i thought we were going to buy you stuff?" seonghwa interfered, a pout was visible on his face.

she chuckled "we'll do that to!"

the navigator smiled before grabbing the list in his pocket and pulling it out, he turned to the gunner beside him. he handed the younger the paper "i forgot to give you the list. here you go"

wooyoung grabbed the list and read it "is this all?" seonghwa nodded "doesn't hongjoong want me to bring him the moon or something"

the navigator chuckled "this'll take me the whole day to find" wooyoung scratched his head in irritation as he took a deep sigh,

seonghwa gave him a small tap by his face, lips pressed to stop himself from laughing "i guess you better start now"

the group stood up from their table and exited the establishment, not forgetting to leave a few coins as payment.

they all bid goodbye as they went their separate ways. soojin watched as the black haired gunner disappear into the crowd, alone.

san poked her side, making the princess snap her head towards him "do you want to go buy some stuff or should we explore first?"

she thought for a second "lets explore first then buy later" the two boys nodded as they stationed themselves on each of her sides.

they guided her through the thick crowd, pointing to something every now and then. they walked pass a store filled with beautiful knickknacks and jewelries, garnering the princess's interest. the trio made a mental reminder to go check out the store later.

they brought her to the middle of town square where a beautiful fountain was located, people surrounded the structure, stopping beside it either granting a wish or just admiring.

"do you want to make a wish?" san asked, handing her a coin which she gladly accepted.

like a kid, she clasped her hands together and mumbled inaudible words before throwing the coin into the water "what did you wish for?"

she turned to her brother "its a secret" a playful smile was plastered on her face as san and the navigator pouted "i'll tell you when it comes true"

the three left the town square and found themselves in a forest.

"this is saseum forest" san said as the navigator nodded.

the princess turned around, admiring the beautiful greenery around her. different types of trees grew tall with its leaves blocking out the sun, only a little bit of light filtering through which gave the whole area a mystical feel.

"its called saseum forest because a lot of deers inhibits this place" she said "yeosang discussed it to me once but i never knew i'll actually be able to use the information" she chuckled but san knew it was a sad one.

soojin missed the wizard. she and yeosang were the closest among all the choi siblings since they spend most of their time together because of their lessons. soojin's heart beats sadly as she doesn't know if she'll get to see him again.

the trio had turned silent, enjoying the peacefulness of their surroundings when soojin suddenly stopped in her tracks, the two boys also stopped as they turned and looked at her.

soojin was staring at something from a distance, frozen in place as she took a steady breath. san and seonghwa also turned to see at what caught her attention, their eyes landed onto a creature.

"a deer" she said, a huge smile was on her face "i've never seen one in person! its so beautiful"

the boys chuckled "its a fascinating creature isnt it" she nodded.

the deer was eating quietly, enjoying the fresh vegetation around it. the princess tried to approach the creature carefully when she suddenly stepped on a branch, making it snap in half. the deer was alarmed by the sound as it started to run away from them.

the princess pouted as she watched the creature moving farther and farther away.

"you scared it" seonghwa laughed.

soojin glared at him "i didnt mean to"

"we'll probably see one again on the way back, so dont worry about it" san assured as he start walking back.

like the prince had said, they made their way back to the town, the only sad thing was that they werent able to come across another deer "what should we buy first?" san starts as they passed by the rows and rows of vendors and shops.

she tapped her chin as she turned to eye the items around her "maybe clothes? then a pair of shoes, these are a bit too big for me"

they all walked around first before stopping in front of a small hidden boutique.

they entered the establishment. the bell by the door ringed, grabbing the attention of the shop owner who was silently reading a book behind the counter.

"welcome to orangeade" the boy said as he stood up with a smile. san and seonghwa approached him and gave the boy a small hug.

"beomgyu!" they said, seonghwa ruffling the younger boy's hair.

the boy, beomgyu, smiled at them "it's been a while since you've visited. what brings you here?"

san pointed towards the princess "i brought my sister with me and we need to get her some clothes, do you think you could help us gyu?"

the shop owner approached soojin, his hand extending towards her "nice to meet you!"

she smiled back as she take his hand "nice to meet you too"

beomgyu released their handshake as he now eyed her "do you like dresses? or something a little more appropriate for a pirate, like pants and loose clothing?"

pirate. it was weird for her to be called one. beomgyu didnt know she was royalty and she was happy he didnt.

soojin glanced at her brother "what do you think?"

the prince shrugged "i think you should let beomgyu decide" the navigator beside him nodded in agreement as he looks through a rack of shirts.

she now looked at the young boy in front of her "brother said to let you decide"

beomgyu smiled "very well! i know just what to get you!"

ajsnjsnsi say hi to baby beomgyu~
i had the urge to insert another member from txt lololol

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