𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟎

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❛❛ who comes into your mind? ❜❜

❛❛ who comes into your mind? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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their night had been spent with them playing games and singing songs. jongho was currently strumming a guitar, leading them through a song. wooyoung had excused himself a little while before, standing up and heading towards the dark. the prince had given him an unreadable look but hides it away as he continues to play with the guitar.

his voice sounded so angelic and it made everyone feel something tingle in their hearts. his voice was soothing and it made the atmosphere much more cozy.

jiseon and soojin were sharing a blanket, cuddled together as they try to sing along.

the lilac haired slowly felt her limbs getting numb, probably due to the fact that they had been sitting for too long.

after jongho had finished his song, soojin stands up, dusting the grains of sand off "i'll just walk around, my feet is starting to feel numb" she announces.

"do you need someone to accompany you?" san asked, popping a grape onto his mouth.

before soojin could reply, jiseon stands up with her arm raised "i'll come with you" she says. the birthday girl nods happily, offering her hand for the older to take.

they excuse themselves as jongho starts another song, the prince eying them as he lands the first strum.

soojin wiggles her arms and feet around, stretching from side to side. they walk slowly away from the group, trailing just near the shore. the cold ocean breeze was blowing through their hair and the sound of the waves crashing in rang through their ears.

the princess had her hands clasp in front, her eyes looking up as she gets lost in beauty of the night sky and her thoughts invading her mind once again.

"we may be the same age for now, but i'll be having my birthday later on in the year" jiseon says with a chuckle, trying to start small talk with her. when soojin didnt react, she looks at her, seeing that the other princess was blankly staring above, eyes fixed onto the sky.

she pokes soojin on the side, grabbing her attention at she looks back at her. jiseon laughs at her reaction, holding her hand. soojin shakes her head, embarrassed "sorry"

"what were you thinking about?" jiseon asked gently. she had idea what it was about, but she didnt want to assume just yet.

soojin fiddles with her hands "how do you know when you like someone? even when you're not supposed too.. i have been thinking about these boys lately and argh my mind is just all over the place?"

jiseon smiles softly, the memory of her and jongho's talk before returning to her mind. oh, i think i know now.

"come here" she said, soojin looks at her with confusion written all over her face. jiseon just motioned for the lilac haired to follow. soojin complies.

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