𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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❛❛ if you arent going to help,
then i'll do it myself ❜❜

❛❛ if you arent going to help, then i'll do it myself ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"keep on rowing, we have to get back to the ship" the quartermaster shouted.

the men on the boat started to row faster, obeying the words of their superior.

"wait. i see something" the gunner said, pointing towards somewhere. the quartermaster looks up to where he's pointing and spots it. they both watched as bodies were thrown over the cliff, crashing down onto the rough waters below.

"we should help" the black haired gunner said as the quartermaster grunted "we should leave. captain isnt going to be too happy that we're taking so long, plus he's going to be furious that we've brought new people"

"if you arent going to help" the gunner glared at the man in front of him "then i'll do it myself"

the black haired jumped off the boat and quickly swam towards the cliff "where are you– come back! you're gonna get yourself killed!" the quartermaster ruffled his hair in frustration as he ordered the men on the boat to follow the gunner.

"wait for us!"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

mingi woke up.

his head was spinning, accompanied by a massive headache that was constantly banging on his skull. the guard had noticed that he now wore new clothes, stripped out of his uniform and that was laid comfortably on a bed. 

he turned to look at his surroundings, slightly panicking when everything was unfamiliar to him.

soon, a sudden thought came into his mind as he looked around frantically.

"princess soojin" he said, remembering the happenings of their ambush and captor. vivid images came flashing through his mind when someone suddenly opened the door.

mingi held his guard up as a man with blue colored hair came inside the room "you're awake" the man said.

"who are you? where are we?" mingi asked, carefully looking at the man in front of him.

the blue haired raised a brow "deep voice.. i like that"

mingi blushed at the sudden remark as the man smirked "im yunho. you?"

"mingi" the palace guard said "where are we?"

yunho took a step closer towards the palace guard "we're in a ship" yunho touched the walls of the room "her name's treasure"

mingi eyed the man weirdly.

"are you looking for the girl?"

mingi's ear perked up before nodding vigorously "yes. where is she?"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

soojin had a massive headache when she woke up, her chest felt tight and her body utterly weak.

her hand reached up to her neck and touched the bandage that was placed over there. her clothes we're also changed, she was now wearing a loose blouse with jeans.

vivid images started popping into her mind, memories resurfacing as she remembered everything.

where im i?

she was in a room, everything was in dark wood and her atmosphere felt moist, a blanket was wrapped around her body as she was placed comfortably in a bed.

"you're awake" a man with black hair was sitting on a chair, quietly observing her.

soojin stared at the man. pirate.

his hair was messily tousled all over, he wore a lose dark blue polo and was paired with ripped pants. his face gave an unamused look as he stared at her, eyes sharp as it took in every detail.

the two only had a staring contest, the other giving a cold and distant look.

they only broke eye contact when the door to the room bursted open, revealing a blue haired man and a familiar palace guard.

soojin forced herself to move as the palace guard ran towards her "mingi" she said, tears brimming in her eyes as she hugged the man "you're alive.. i cant believe it"

"im so glad you're safe princess" mingi whispered before pulling away.

a cough at the back grabs their attention as well as the door closing.

soojin took note that the black haired man has disappeared.

"im yunho" the blue haired said "and the other one was wooyoung"

they nodded "he saved your life you know" soojin only raised a brow "did he really?"

yunho nodded "he saw you getting pushed off a cliff and said he wanted to help. he almost swam his way to you when we didnt want to help"

the princess narrowed her eyes at the man. yunho panicked when he realized his choice of words "but we reached you just in time.! so see.. we still did help" the quartermaster scratched the back of his neck.

"thank you" soojin hesitantly said as the taller only nodded "how long have we been out?"

the blue haired thought "about two days... we're sailing to golbi right now to pick up some of our crew"

soojin and mingi nodded as yunho spoke.

"by the way captain wants to talk to you. get yourself ready and meet me in the docks in five minutes"

another short chapter for suspense purposes ajkajka sorry ;-;

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