𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟑

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❛❛ im not all too willing to risk my crew ❜❜

❛❛ im not all too willing to risk my crew ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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little did they know, the gunner was actually joining them, trailing behind the group as he kicks random stones here and there.

yunho and mingi held eachother's hands while yeosang and soojin walked side by side, chatting with the happy couple. the gunner turns to the pairs in front of him, feeling incredibly awkward as he walks alone from behind. he mumbles incoherent words, slowly regretting why he decided to join.

soojin turns to look at him, her eyes inviting him to join them. he's eyes turn wide at the eye contact before looking down and kicking another stone. he was getting flustered for no reason.

the princess frowns slightly as yeosang looks behind as well, seeing the gunner aimlessly walking forward. the wizard sighs before smiling "wooyoung"

the said man looks up to the owner of the voice, looking at him questioningly "come here, you look like a sad excuse of a lost puppy back there"

the gunner smiles sheepishly as the couple in front stops walking and turns to him as well. wooyoung didnt like the attention, so he just complied and walked beside the wizard.

the trio walked in silence, yeosang feeling slightly uncomfortable as he feels the weird tension between the gunner and the princess. he coughs rather fakely as he excuses himself and walks ahead, leaving the two alone.

the two begged him with their eyes to not leave them yet the wizard shrugged before joining the couple ahead.

wooyoung walks with a stoney look as soojin fiddled with her hands. both of them were thinking of something to say, trying to break the ice between them. it was both their fault that they were being awkward with eachother.

the gunner somehow regrets telling the princess his life story, thinking that it was better unsaid than told.

he feels as if he was now obligated to become acquaintances with the girl.



both spoke at the same time, not helping with how the atmosphere was at all.

"you go first" the princess said, scratching the back of her head.

wooyoung takes a deep breath, thinking of something to say to girl beside him.

"your hair looks cool" he says without thinking, he refrained from looking at the princess and trained his eyes at the trio in front of them instead "lilac suits you"

soojin felt a smile creeping on her face, she tries to hide it by coughing but somehow, it sounded like someone was choking. the gunner looks at her suddenly "are you ok?"

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