𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟓

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❛❛ oh come on san. she's 19,
a little moderate type of drinking
wouldn't be too bad ❜❜

 she's 19,a little moderate type of drinkingwouldn't be too bad ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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the trio made their way to the captain's room, yeosang standing in the middle of the two royals.

he had his arms crossed as he occasional looks to his sides to see them focused on their walking.

i guess these two did end up getting close to eachother on their own. no need for that love potion jongho joked about.

yeosang chuckles to himself, gaining the attention of the two "what are you laughing about?"

he shrugs before pressing his lips into a thin line "nothing- oh, we're here"

the wizard opens the door after knocking, entering the room with the royals following just behind him.

soojin's eyes trailed across the room, stopping when she sees the gunner standing beside her brother, his hands crossed and his brows knitted together. san was asking the black haired why he was sulky, to which the latter shrugged before straightening his back.

hongjoong sees their arrival, motioning them to step inside and close the door.

everyone was already there- the eight boys and the princess. the members were scattered around the room, some sitting on the floor, some standing and some on the bed.

the captain, whose hair was now a silvery white, was sitting on the couch with the now black haired navigator beside him.

soojin smiled gladly at their newly dyed hair. giving the navigator a subtle thumbs up.

hongjoong leans forward, balancing his elbows on top of his thighs. he clasps his hands together before looking around the room, meeting eyes with the princess last. he stands up, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"i have gathered all of you here to say that.. fine, we will help you soojin" the princess beams, clutching her sides to refrain from jumping "i've talked with the crew and surprisingly.. they all agreed. and last night, someone talked to me about it and-"

hongjoong stops short when soojin suddenly hugs him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulls him tight. the captain was taken aback, shaking him for a moment before he responds and hugs her back.

tears brimmed along her eyes as she felt the captain caressing her back "thank you thank you thank you" she repeated "you dont know how happy i am right now"

they release their embrace as hongjoong holds her by the shoulders, wiping a stray tear with his thumb. she smiles, wiping her own face as she chuckles.

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