𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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❛❛ keep it with you at all times,
wear it if you'd like ❜❜

❛❛ keep it with you at all times,wear it if you'd like ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin was watching her maids as they packed her clothes into her luggage. she would be staying in sagwa for almost a month. the maids have pack most of her gowns along with some dresses and sleep wear.

soojin excused herself and met mingi outside, the guard was posted in his usual spot, back straight with his fingers dancing on the hilt of his sword. he faces the princess with a small smile "good morning princess"

"good morning mingi. have you already packed up?" the palace guard nodded "we will be leaving soon princess"

soojin nodded this time and proceeded to walk towards her brother's room, mingi trailing beside her.

soojin knocked on her brother's door before entering, mingi stayed outside "hey" the prince was standing behind the window, looking towards the town.

her brother turned around with a smile "arent you leaving yet?"

soojin pouted "you're excited for my departure, should i leave now?"

soobin chuckled, tucking a strand of soojin's hair behind her ear "of course im not, i'll miss you sister"

the princess smiled softly "i'll miss you too brother, but i'll be coming back soon"

the two siblings hugged "when you come back.. i'll already be preparing to be king, and you might already comeback with a husband"

"soobin!" the young princess blushed "im kidding" the older laughed.

a knock disturbed them, the palace guard's head peeking in before fully entering the room "princess soojin, we will be taking our departure soon. the carriage is ready" mingi stated, bowing towards the two.

the siblings looked at eachother "i'll walk you there" soobin smiled as the three of them exit and trailed down the halls of the palace and towards the entrance.

yeosang stood by the door the big doors, hands behind his back "stay safe soojin" he said, handing a small stone towards the princess— it was orange in color and was softly glowing, a thin silver chain was attached to it.

the amulet was cold against soojin's hand, she balls her fingers gently around "what's this for?"

yeosang only shook his head before smiling "keep it with you at all times, wear it if you'd like"

soojin looks at the accessory first before attaching it around her neck— it was beautiful, resting just between her collarbones.

"thank you, yeosang" soojin said, embracing the wizard "i'll be missing you"

after the princess had bid the wizard goodbye, she, soobin and mingi exited the palace and immediately spotted the huge carriage.

the queen was there too, looking as elegant as ever "mother" the two said.

the queen turned to them, her expression unreadable and a smile playing along her mouth "soojin, it is time for you to go"

the princess only nods as she came towards her mother and lightly kissed eachother on the cheeks "goodbye mother" the queen smiled.

soojin now turned towards soobin and embraced him "i love you. see you in a few weeks"

the older hugged her back tightly before placing a small peck on her forehead "i love you too sister, see you soon"

soojin walked towards the carriage, mingi opening the door for her. the princess mumbles a thank you as she made herself comfortable inside. mingi then joined her after giving instructions to the three guards that would be accompanying them on their journey.

the carriage jolter forward as it started moving.  soojin stared out the small window and waved goodbye to her mother and brother, watching as their figures started to become smaller and smaller. when they were out of sight, soojin stared at the palace guard in front of her.

"how long do you it'll take for us to get there?" she asked.

mingi thought for a second "seeing the weather and the road's condition, we should arrived there in more or less 5 hours" soojin nodded in understanding, sagwa was a little far away from them.

"you should rest for now prin—" mingi noticed the other's stare, her eyes squinting ever so slightly "s-soojin, i'll wake you up when we're near"

the princess smiled playfully before nodding "you should rest too mingi"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

halfway through the journey, a sudden bump in the road along with the horses' neigh made soojin wake up "mingi" she grumbled as the carriage stopped "what's going on?"

the princess rubbed her eyes as she looked out the window. they were in the middle of a forest, ppalgan forest to be specific.

"im not sure princess" the guard reached for his sword "wait here, i'll go check"

the palace guard left, stepping down the carriage carefully, making sure to be aware of his surroundings.

mingi quietly stepped towards the head of the carriage. he stopped, eyes wide as he saw an arrow pierced through one of his men.

the two guards were already standing on the ground, quickly surveying their surroundings "what's going on?" mingi chided, worry immediately forming in his stomach.

one of the guards held his sword high "i think we're being attacked by bandits"

"bandits?" mingi asked as another arrow flew and hit one if the guards on his leg, the guard screamed in pain. mingi looked around and saw an archer crouched on one of the trees, loading another arrow. he quickly pulled out one of his daggers and threw it to the man as the archer fell.

more people emerged from the trees, each holding a weapon of choice. mingi knew they were outnumbered and the chances of them surviving was slim.

one of the bandits came and swung his sword towards them as a few more followed. mingi tried his best to deflect every attack that was thrown at him, trying to make his way back to the carriage.

a man with white hair pierced one of the guards directly at his heart and another bandit sliced the other on his neck. the two guards fell down lifeless as the bandits only looked at them.

mingi took this as a chance to run towards the carriage. the palace guard frantically opened the door "princess—"

mingi fell as a bandit smashed a huge rock on his head "mingi!" the princess yelled as she came closer towards the guard. she touched his head and started to panic when blood started to trickle down "oh no" her hands were shaking as she checked the guard.

one of the bandits stood by the carriage entrance, on his hand was a piece of cloth.

"hello princess" the man said before stepping near her.

the last thing soojin remembered was the strong smell of chemicals.

oh no w(°o°)w

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